MCA website logo 2017 4

A fleet of Mirrors starting a race in the distance on a cloudy day

34 Mirrors gathered on the south coast in great sunshine at Itchenor on the 5th & 6th September for the Southern Championships which also incorporated the 2009 Youth and Junior championships and a Southern Traveller event. It was the first championships since the successful Nationals and Worlds in Pwllheli earlier in the summer and a number of regular competitors were missing having moved on to other classes. However, there was a good turn out of local boats bringing new faces to the fleet a couple of boats from Cornwall and l from the North travelled from Windermere.The race officer set 7 great courses throughout the weekend which tested local knowledge and sailing skills.

A couple of youngsters standing next to a full rigged Mirror on a pontoon

Race 1 saw 2009 Junior National Champions Tom Lovesey and Milly Pugh lead the fleet round the course with Ed and Beth Grey catching. On the last downwind leg, Ed and Beth put their greater experience into overdrive and overtook Tom and Milly by gybing round the windward buoy. From then on these two boats broke away from the fleet.1st Ed and Beth Grey, 2nd Tom Lovesey and Milly Pugh,3rd Annabel and Adrian Fisk.

A queue of Mirrors lined up with sails hoisted on the Itchenor SC pontoon waiting to launch

Race 2 saw both Tom & Milly and Ed and Beth warming up to do battle again. However, both boats were over the line giving other boats the chance to challenge the boats in first and second place after the first race. John and Clare Peterson sailed to their first championship race win and Helena Pugh and Libby Courage sailed a consistent race to come second with locals Will and Hugo Moss in third place.

Race 3 saw Tom & Milly off to a port hand flyer to cross the fleet and go on to lead the race from start to finish. Unfortunately the number of boats that recorded an OCS was nearly in double figures and was mainly the boats at the front of the fleet and included Ed and Beth who picked up their second OCS. In second place behind Tom & Milly were locals William Hartley and Benn Webb and in third were the father and daugher pairing of David and Hannah Gough from Lymington.

Itchenor put on a great barbeque for sailors and their parents after racing which we all enjoyed and then it was home for a good sleep before the early start in the morning.

On Sunday morning there was slightly less wind and more tide. This proved difficult and getting out to the race course took quite a long time. The conditions lead to a postponement before racing got underway.

Race 4 saw Ed and Beth bounce back to their usual form from their 2 OCS to win the race by an astonishing half a leg. This race also saw the tide sweep boats down the river. By the end of the race the wind picked up to a force 3. 1st Ed and Beth Grey, 2nd John and Clare Peterson, 3rd was the father and daughter pairing of Jonathan and Imy Pudney.

A fleet of Mirror starting a race in the distance under a cloudy sky

Race 5 saw William Hartley and Ben Webb use their local knowledge to secure an astonishing win. Tom & Milly were over the line but went back and then caught up dramatically to finish 3rd. Ed and Beth were second.

A fleet of Mirror dinghies starting a race in the distance under a cloudy sky

Race 6 saw Ed and Beth's tactical decisions power them to win the race by over half a leg. But there was a battle for 3rd, between John and Clare Peterson and Helena Pugh and Libby Courage. Helena and Libby just beat John and Clare by metres. Earlier in this race Tom and Milly got caught up in a raft at the start but recovered and finished in 2nd place.

The final race proved to be a battle between Tom and Milly vs John and Clare. The skills that the teams had learnt over the winter during their RYA National Squad training had come in to play in this race. John and Clare had built up a small lead on the first beat but on the downwind leg Tom and Milly gained due to the tide. On the second beat John and Clare were covering Tom and Milly all the way up to try and keep them behind but on the second downwind leg Tom and Milly had used their spinnaker to their advantage. This caused a dual all the way downwind. But on the last beat up to the finish line John and Clare went into the tide and went to the side of the line which was furthest away from the buoy which was to Tom and Milly's advantage giving them the race. Beth and Ed were 3rd.

Overall Results:

1st Tom Lovesey and Milly Pugh
2nd John and Clare Peterson
3rd William Hartley and Ben Webb

Winners of the Youth and Junior Championships:

1st Tom Lovesey and Milly Pugh
2nd John and Clare Peterson
3rd William Hartley and Ben Webb

Youths 1st Ed & Beth Grey
2nd James Wilkinson & Esme Shepherd
3rd Drystan Harnett and Tom Bruton

Full Results - 7 races, 6 to count

 Rank Boat Helm & Crew  Club R1 R2 R3 R4 R 5 R6 R7 Nett Total
1 70519 - MCA Demo Boat Tom Lovesey & Milly Pugh Poole Yacht Club 2.0 (32.0 OCS) 1.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 13.0 45.0
2 70538 - Ace Of Spades John & Clare Peterson NA 11.0 1.0 (32.0 OCS) 2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 24.0 56.0
3 70571 William Hartley & Ben Webb Itchenor 5.0 5.0 2.0 6.0 1.0 5.0 (14.0) 24.0 38.0
4 70426 - Benina Split Helena Pugh & Libby Courage Poole Yacht Club 10.0 2.0 (32.0 DNS) 8.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 33.0 65.0
5 70515 - Jack A'tack Edward & Beth Grey RWYC 1.0 (32.0 OCS) 32.0 OCS 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 40.0 72.0
6 70223 - Eat My Shorts David & Hannah Gough Lym'ton Town? 8.0 9.0 3.0 7.0 (27.0 DNF) 11.0 5.0 43.0 70.0
7 70564 - Gone With The Wind II Maddy Anderson & Kim May Papailiou Poole YC and Brightlingsea SC 6.0 7.0 (32.0 OCS) 14.0 5.0 7.0 6.0 45.0 77.0
8 70536 - Pure Elegance Meia & Elin Harnett Whitstable YC 9.0 8.0 (32.0 OCS) 5.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 45.0 77.0
9 70582 - Blue Belle Anna & Rosie Watkins Poole Yacht Club 12.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 12.0 9.0 (26.0 OCS) 52.0 78.0
10 70209 - Spirit James Wilkinson & Esme Shepherd Restronguet SC 13.0 6.0 (32.0 DNS) 9.0 11.0 6.0 7.0 52.0 84.0
11 62765 Amy & Hettie Stevens NA (23.0) 10.0 6.0 18.0 18.0 15.0 11.0 78.0 101.0
12 70354 - Boog Blue Izzy McParland & Polly Sellars Itchenor 14.0 16.0 (32.0 OCS) 12.0 13.0 16.0 10.0 81.0 113.0
13 70431 Olivia Hartley & Ellen Dickinson Itchenor (19.0) 14.0 7.0 16.0 19.0 13.0 13.0 82.0 101.0
14 70549 - Purple Reign Mali Harnett & Isabella Bruton Whitstable YC 16.0 15.0 10.0 15.0 (17.0) 12.0 17.0 85.0 102.0
15 70455 - Mesmerizer Drystan Harnett & Tom Bruton Whitstable YC (22.0) 17.0 9.0 19.0 21.0 17.0 12.0 95.0 117.0
16 69667 - Bold Forester Tom Cosier & Scarlett Shepherd Restronguet SC 18.0 13.0 (32.0 DNS) 28.0 DNF 10.0 14.0 15.0 98.0 130.0
17 70500 - Wind Whisper Imy & Tallulah Pudney Itchenor 7.0 (32.0 DNF) 32.0 DNS 3.0 8.0 26.0 DNS 26.0 DNS 102.0 134.0
18 70274 - Illiswilgig Jo Kalderon & Grace Yeoman Itchenor 20.0 18.0 (32.0 DNF) 13.0 15.0 18.0 19.0 103.0 135.0
19 70216 - Schmak Gilchrist NA (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 11.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 109.0 144.0
20 70393 - Double Trouble Isabel Davies & Julia Eastaugh Itchenor 26.0 19.0 (32.0 DNS) 17.0 14.0 19.0 20.0 115.0 147.0
21 70171 - Déjà Vu Katie Davies & Gemma Keers Itchenor (28.0) 20.0 8.0 28.0 DNF 22.0 21.0 18.0 117.0 145.0
22 70184 - Take Two Harry & Jack Dent Itchenor 17.0 12.0 (32.0 DNS) 20.0 20.0 26.0 DNS 26.0 DNS 121.0 153.0
23 26170 Bruce & Archie Grant NA 15.0 11.0 4.0 (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 135.0 170.0
24 70575 ? Will Moss & Hugo Moss Itchenor 4.0 3.0 32.0 OCS 28.0 DNS (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 137.0 172.0
25 70403 - Belle Lucie Hughes & Hannah Woolridge Itchenor 25.0 (32.0 DNF) 32.0 DNF 28.0 DNF 16.0 20.0 16.0 137.0 169.0
26 70583 - Polar Bear Annabel & Adrian Fisk Itchenor 3.0 (32.0 DNF) 32.0 DNS 28.0 DNS 27.0 DNS 26.0 DNS 26.0 DNS 142.0 174.0
27 70429 - Hakuna Matata Madeline & Harriet Watkins Poole Yacht Club (32.0 DNF) 32.0 DNS 32.0 DNS 28.0 DNF 23.0 22.0 26.0 DNF 163.0 195.0
28 70577 - Nemo Lara & Natalya Davies Itchenor 27.0 21.0 32.0 OCS (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 185.0 220.0
29 70292 - Speedyweed Douglas Woolfenden & Henry Fry Itchenor 24.0 32.0 DNF 32.0 DNS 28.0 DNF (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 186.0 221.0
30 70440 - Black Dog Buster Woolfenden & Marcus Spruit Itchenor 21.0 32.0 DNF 32.0 DNS (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 190.0 225.0
31 31049 Natasha Ewart-Smith & Imogen McClean Itchenor 32.0 DNF 32.0 DNS 32.0 DNS (35.0 DNC) 27.0 DNS 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 193.0 228.0
32 70268 - Shrimp Tom & Kate Weston Itchenor 32.0 DNF 32.0 DNS 32.0 DNS (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 201.0 236.0
33 7084 Ben Masson Currey & Lucy Hughes Itchenor (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 210.0 245.0
33 9999 Michael & Valentine Rummel Itchenor (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 210.0 245.0

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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.