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A blue GRP composite Mirror dinghy viewed from the bow
The Holt GRP composite Mirror had a GRP hull and wooden interior (decks, bulkheads, side tank panels, thwart, daggerboard capping, transom doubler). It also had a wooden skeg and bilge pieces. Hull was chopped strand mat and they were pretty heavy, so best avoided if you want performance.
An advert for a Holt GRP/composite Mirror dinghy, black background with printing and illustration in white 
According to Terry Smith (who used to run Bell Woodworking), in 1986/1987, Holts (copyright holders) produced 70 GRP hulls.  I understand this was at the Jack Holt factory in Todmorden, which has now closed. The date of closure is unknown, but must be prior to 2006 according to this post from Dave Hughes. Over a period of 4 years sold these as composite boats to boat chandlers, garages and other retail outlets.  These boats did not measure for a various reasons including no tape on deck joints and sail numbers not imprinted.  no one bothered as no one actually knew who finally bought the boats.  The retail outlets had them hanging around for ages and so most were sold off cheaply, despite being expensive to buy initially.
Here is a list of some examples

 Boat Comment
68461 - White Dove (AKA 'The Immovable Object') Sailed at Poole YC in the 1990s
68924 The sail number was supplied to Holts in June 1989 (according to Terry Smith)
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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.