MCA website logo 2017 4

Mirror dinghies racing towards the camera on a windy day

Just a reminder that the Southern Area Champsionships will be held in a couple of weeks time on 1st June. 4 back to back races, start time 11.00, it's an 11am high tide, and in the summer much easier to get to Itchenor a on a Saturday and be earlier rather than later!

The Notice of Race has been published and can be downloaded via the link, online entry is available here.


On Sunday 2nd June Itchenor will host a Mirror coaching day with Mirror ex-World Champion Chris Balding , so worth making a weekend of it, if you can.

Venue details and location on the Itchenor Sailing Club Website. Contact Camilla Bullock

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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.