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A young lady coiling a rope with Mirror dinghies resting on some grass in the background  being sailed on a lake

The story was recorded in the Daily Mirror so the following report text is © Daily Mirror. Also thanks to the .

The following story appeared in the Daily Mirror, Monday 27th May 1963, page 17

Shipshape Ann Ahoy

What a glorious SUNday it was for sailing in the Super Daily Mirror dinghy. Attractive Ann Will, 20 (above), was one of the competitors who sailed in the first open meeting for Mirror class dinghies (editors note: this was actually the second, Wraysbury Lake SC on 12 April was the first) held on Saturday and yesterday.

Ann, of Welwyn . Garden City, Herts, skimmed her dinghy,"Willow", into into third place in one race.

Bill Jermy, 57, of Eversley, Hants, became the Mirror dinghy champion after scudding into the lead in every race yesterday, on the River Medway


Bill said : "My Mirror is just the thing. It’s so easy to cart around on my van." Twelve-year-old Christopher Scoble. of Hoo, Kent, was runner-up and miner Brian Taylor. 26, was third.

You can build a Mirror dinghy —it's 10ft. 10in. long and only weighs 90lb.— for just £63 11s.


Editors note: We only know the first three places

RankBoatHelm & CrewClubR1
1st 96 - 'Appy 'Arry Bill Jermy          
2nd   Christopher Scoble          
3rd   Brian Taylor          
    Other boats which took part in sail number order          
  63 - Willow Ann Will          
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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.