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The Mirror Eastern Area Championships took place over the weekend of 6th/7th September 2003. A good entry of nearly thirty boats had an interesting weekend of sailing.

Race1 - Race 1 was sailed in force 1-2 and was led to the first mark by Dan Jacobs and Harrison Reece (Starcross SC), closely followed by John and James Clemenson (Chipstead SC), third was Tom Robinson and Shaun Mason (Warsash). By the end of the first lap the Clemensons had established a good lead and held it to win the race. After a poor start, Robert Struckett and Tom Hodgkinson (Itchenor) pulled through to take second, third place went to the team of Jacobs/Reece.

Race 2 - Similar conditions prevailed in race 2 with a new team of Juliet and Richard Long (Plymouth YC) showing good boat handling, going on to win, very closely followed by Struckett/Hodgkinson and Robinson/Mason.In between race 2 and race 3 the rain came, the wind blew and everyone thought we were in for a good sail, however, after two general recalls the wind disappeared again.

Race 3 - This race was led from start to finish by Robinson/Mason closely followed by the Long Team and a new contender James Ellis and Carla Sheldon (Royal Plymouth and Corinthian YC) who finished third.

This left the championship wide open for Sunday. The forecast was for lots of wind which we were all looking forward to, however, Sunday dawned with bright sunshine and no wind! The race officer postponed the race until 12 but soon realised that it was going to be one of those days!! The wind failed to materialise and it was decided to abandon racing for the day.

This left Juliet and Richard Long 70222 as worthy champions.

Results 3 races, 2 to count.

Number Helm & Crew Club R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Points Place
70222 - Whatever! Juliet & Richard Long Plym YC 8 1 2     3 1
70003 - Encore Une Fois Tom Robinson & Shaun Mason Warsash SC 4 3 1     4 2
70002 - Magic Robert Struckett & Tom Hodgkinson Itchenor SC 2 2 8     4 3
68070 John & James Clementson Chipstead SC 1 4 4     5 4
70132 - We Take Plastic James Ellis & Carla Sheldon Royal Plymouth Corinthian YC 5 8 3     8 5
70190 - Va Va Voom Natalie Roach & Liam Arrowsmith Royal Plymouth Corinthian YC 10 5 5     10 6
70133 - Whitewash Dan Jacobs & Harrison Reece Starcross YC 3 13 10     13 7
70154 - Passing Wind Craig & Mitchell Bond Brightlingsea SC 7 9 6     13 8
69683 - George Anna Mackenzie & Nicola Brook Royal Windermere YC 6 10 7     13 9
69776 - Pthreetle Emma Barry & Ben Rix Brightlingsea SC 17 6 11     17 10
70176 - Double Trouble Eloise & Kayleigh Hansen Covenham SC 10 7 13     17 11
69905 - Nauti Nick Nick Watson & Kate Cheldon RYC 11 12 9     20 12
70185 William & Rebecca Kalderon Itchenor SC 9 22 14     23 13
70163 - Sven Darren Roach & Tom Horey King George SC 14 14 19     28 14
69727 - Vital Spark Emma Houlihan & Emily Mackenzie Royal Windermere 19 17 12     29 15
70024 - Nervania? Silvana Booth & Lewis Rumbol Poole YC 16 15 15     30 16
70216 - Which Witch Alice Darling & Rose Lyn Itchenor SC 13 18 20     31 17
43013 - Lightning Thomas & Henry Sprechley Itchenor SC 15 16 18     31 18
70072 - The Immacualte Contraption Josh Rumbol & Tom Davidson Poole YC 21 11 23     32 19
70125 - It's a Girl Thing Vikki & Hannah Cobb Poole YC 22 19 16     35 20
70000 - Panique Les Poisson Paddy Adams & Andrew Rose Chew Valley Lake SC 18 21 17     35 21
70201 - What a Girl Wants Kate Macgregor & Emily Hunter Poole YC 20 20 22     40 22
70037 - Sorcerer's Apprentice Kerrie Forster & David Conlin Brightlingsea SC 23 27 21     44 23
51312 Mike & Tom Stoddart King George SC 25 24 24     48 24
19787 Otto & Peter Willberg King George SC 30 23 27     50 25
22262 Mo & Christina Allen King George SC 24 28 29     52 26
69073 - Midnight Oil ? & ? ? 29 27 27     54 27
68996 Chris & Christopher Swinchatt Chipstead SC 28 29 29     57 28


Class Association Prizes

Trophy: For: Presented? Presented To: Should have been presented to: Held now by / In the care of:
Eastern Area 1st Overall Helm
Juliet Long . Juliet Long
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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.