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Kingshurst Sailing Club and another, better endowed, Club, have amalgamated. The new Club is to be called Shustoke Sailing Club, and will be based at the 108-acre reservoir at Shustoke, near Coleshill, Warwickshire. The original small, 14- acre lake at Kingshurst is being kept for new members to practice on and for those new to sailing, and, of course, it is perfect for a quick sail on summer evenings.

The total number of possible boats in the new Club is around 100, made up of Merlins, G.P14, Enterprise, Solos, and 55 Mirrors. The Club has two rescue boats, one an Avon inflatable, the other a motor-boat, and sailing is at weekends and on Thursday evenings. Toilet facilities, car park and dinghy parks have already been built by the members, and a ‘Terrapin’ type club-house is now under construction. This is expected to be comp leted by the end of October, so some social activity is planned for the off-season, instead of a schoolroom renting, as Kingshurst had last winter when the Club was first promoted and when sailing and planning permission were being sought. The local M.P. was a great help in this, doing great work on the Club’s behalf with the Water Authority and Sports Council.

On 18th September, the new Shustoke Sailing Club is holding its first competition, with Redditch Sailing Club and the Birmingham Athletic Institute Sailing Club.

Editors Note: This article is from Reflections No. 26 October 1976, page 18. It has been captured by OCR, so typos & errors are possible.

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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.