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Ideal weight

  • toddy
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01 Jul 2006 14:11 #19254 by toddy
Ideal weight was created by toddy
Is there an ideal weight range for single handed mirrors ?

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  • angus
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05 Jul 2006 06:24 #12375 by angus
Replied by angus on topic Ideal weight
Not sure about this - seems to depend on wind speed which might make sense. It seems that beyond about 16 stone for an all up D/H weight speed drops away quite quickly.

Perhaps height / comfort in the boat might be a better measure for s/h. If you are 6'6" and 20 stone rugby player you may want to consider something larger than a Mirror!

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  • D Hughes
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05 Jul 2006 08:43 #12377 by D Hughes
Replied by D Hughes on topic Ideal weight
At 6'0" and 16+ stone, I seem to be able to keep up, and still win the odd open. Someone once told me that overall 16 stone (KG?) was about the best (usually combined) weight. The advantage in light winds is that you can controle the weight better, and use less tiller by moving in or out.


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06 Jul 2006 12:52 #12389 by Tim Cushion
Replied by Tim Cushion on topic Ideal weight
I find that at 16 stone I have to sit on the thwart. If I sit further aft in the natural helm position the bow sits up at a planning speedboat angle. Unless it is really blowing I also have to sit in most of the time, which adds to the discomfort factor. I’m sure it would be more fun if I were a mere 12 stoner…

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  • toddy
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06 Jul 2006 15:42 #12391 by toddy
Replied by toddy on topic Ideal weight
So my mere 13 and a bit,nearly 14 stone is lightweight <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

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07 Jul 2006 09:01 #12394 by Tim Cushion
Replied by Tim Cushion on topic Ideal weight
My 16 stone (101 Kg) was described by someone else as built in stability – I can certainly get the boat humming along in stiff breeze. I would be scared of capsizing all the time in anything more than a gentle puff if I was a mere 13 going on 14 stone<img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

I’m taking SWMBO out tomorrow for the first time – our combined weight will be in the region of 24 stone (154 Kg). I hope it’s blowing a hooley otherwise we will both be hiking out on opposite sides…

“Better drowned than duffers if not duffers wont drownâ€

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  • flyingpig
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08 Jul 2006 22:59 #12398 by flyingpig
Replied by flyingpig on topic Ideal weight
At a mere 9.5-10 stone perhaps I'd better fatten up to sail single-handed? They keep telling me (as they whizz past in their Albacores and Lasers) to get my weight as far forwards as possible so I sit by the thwart and spend half the time untangling my feet from miscellaneous bits of string (wouldn't have got a spinnkaer if I'd known my crew would desert, but it's quite fun having 3 sails to play with in light winds). Having said that, the most exciting racing conditions I've S/H ed in saw me turtled.... along with a lot of other boats which were operating within their designed crew weights. (the guy on rescue had a most exciting evening!)

pigs can....and do.....

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10 Jul 2006 14:40 #12400 by Tim Cushion
Replied by Tim Cushion on topic Ideal weight
Turtle? – I bought myself a nice little Crewsaver masthead flotation device intended for Lasers as recommended by members of this board. Seems to work a treat, although it is annoyingly covered with stickers saying that it’s not a masthead flotation device and can’t be relied upon – Oh the joys of litigation.

Being such a stabilizing influence I took out the toe straps as I don’t need to use them and I kept tripping on them. Now if only I could get rid of the kicker, the dagger board case and the thwart…

A spinnaker sounds just a bit grown up to me. And judging by the number of how to questions, a bit too complicated for my little brain and limited mechanical abilities to handle.

“Better drowned than duffers if not duffers wont drownâ€

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  • flyingpig
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10 Jul 2006 21:42 #12401 by flyingpig
Replied by flyingpig on topic Ideal weight
The most embarassing thing about that turtle was being unable to right it .. <img src=icon_smile_dead.gif border=0 align=middle> .. and it happened to be my "boss" on rescue that night. I'd only done capsize drills with 90 degree rotation before (and turtled it with a very heavy experienced crew who righted it easily with my rescue rope). Turns out my technique was wrong as I tried to keep my feet on the gunwale strip instead of climbing right on the hull and standing up for maximum turning moment. With both of us being engineers we should have worked that one out! <img src=icon_smile_blush.gif border=0 align=middle> Still, I've got the hang of that now and it's a useful opportunity to crawl around inspecting the hull for potential problems.
Now, about that kicker and DB case.... <img src=icon_smile_evil.gif border=0 align=middle> ...(personally I'd keep the thwart)

pigs can....and do.....

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  • SueJP
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10 Jul 2006 21:57 #12402 by SueJP
Replied by SueJP on topic Ideal weight
The ideal weight probably depends on the wind condition unfortunately. (So its either crash diets or steak and chips all week depending on the predicted wind speed)<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

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  • Karl Grave
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05 Aug 2006 22:03 #12466 by Karl Grave
Replied by Karl Grave on topic Ideal weight
Aren't there are a lot of 16st Mirror sailors around! I have been known to reach that weight (and am 6')and I couldn't care less :-) You're at a great advantage when the wind gets up. Just the slightest shift of your rear end over the side and she uprights at once! And all the teenage boats are heeling over at 45 deg!
I don't sail in light airs. It's no fun at all.
Cush makes a good point about having to sit inboard (with your face pushed into the main!) It's much better if you do have a crew to hike out on the other side to balance you. The last time I took my son out (now he IS a rugby player and weighs more than me) I did hear some noises from the hull which I never wish to hear again! I did have a vision of the poor old hull splitting clean from bow to stern. I think we reached the weight limit that day!!
I've got a bad back too so on long cruises I sometimes sit on the thwart looking back to where I came from (with an occasional glance to see where I'm going!)-I've almost nodded off doing this-very relaxing; lie across the boat with my legs over the side (and my bum in the bilge water) or relax on the rear tank and put the bow in the air like Cush.

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  • SueJP
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07 Aug 2006 18:13 #12473 by SueJP
Replied by SueJP on topic Ideal weight
in a recent race of very gusty 5/6, my mum decided that being a light weight 9.5-10 st, she would take a crew on board the mirror, wich came in the form of a fairly heavy laser sailor who decided it was too strong for him after he got his boat of the trolley and it imeediatly capsized with the top of the mast hitting my head rather hard <img src=icon_smile_dead.gif border=0 align=middle>. only eight boats raced and them and a very experienced streaker were the only boats not to capsize. crews can be useful sometimes. <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

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  • skimmerflyer2
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17 Aug 2006 16:53 #12506 by skimmerflyer2
Replied by skimmerflyer2 on topic Ideal weight
All very interesting statistics, but as a senior person my interest lies more in the age of the skipper rather than his/her height or weight. Come on own up.


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  • toddy
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17 Aug 2006 19:48 #12509 by toddy
Replied by toddy on topic Ideal weight
A youthful 41

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18 Aug 2006 14:48 #12515 by Tim Cushion
Replied by Tim Cushion on topic Ideal weight
An even younger 48

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