MCA website logo 2017 4

The UK Mirror Class Association would like to improve publicity for the class by getting results, reports and photos from Mirror events onto  SailRacer, Yachts & Yachting, our Facebook page and this website ASAP after the event.  A list of who is winning the Nationwide, Northern Travellers, Southwest Travellers and  The Southern Travellers Series, easily available on SailRacer, can only help to encourage competition and interest.

A single report/article should be written after the event (I usually ask the winner to write the article!). If the event has a sponsor, the sponsor's name should be used first in the title i.e. "Neilpryde Junior National Championships" of any report or results. This report, photos and results should be uploaded as follows:

  • MCA website & Facebook - If you are not able to upload to the MCA website (all Committee members have the required access) and/or the Facebook page please e-mail the report, results and photos to either Reg Grayson or John Thornley.
  • Yachts & Yachting - please email the report as a word file to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. also include the sailwave file (.BLW) or the results as a spreadsheet or HTML file. Send photos as .JPG files, do not send any PDF's. Further details of how to send reports and photographs to the Yacht & Yachting website and report guidelines are available here. Please make sure you have permission to use any phtotographs you submit. Or you can send via the popular results program Sailwave. Choose "Plugins" in the tool bar and select "Send results, news and photos to Yachts & Yachting....."
  • SailRacer -The MCA recommends that results are produced on Sailwave as this system has a built in link with SailRacer. This means uploading results to SailRacer can be done from within the Sailwave program. First ensure you have the current version of Sailwave to ensure you have the latest SailRacer plugin with the correct date ranges. Best check this by visiting the Sailwave website. Then from within Sailwave choose "Plugins" in the tool bar and select "Send results to SailRacer.....". When prompted for "Organisation" it's really important this is entered correctly. Enter "mca-" follow by the SailRacer event id. For example "mca-169065" (no spaces). Make sure all the other fields (like the date, class,.......) are filled in correctly the press "Send". You can find the SailRacer event id in the list of 2013 events on SailRacer. If it's not there you can go to the SailRacer site and search for Mirror events. Then hover your cursor over the "More.." button of the event (no need to click). Most browsers will now display the URL of the link at the bottom of the window, for example "". The eventid can simply be read from here.

    If your club uses another system Nicky Davies has kindly offered to put results into Sailwave for you and upload them to SailRacer if you e-mail her the results. 

Note when using Sailwave, or any other results system, please make sure when you enter the name with the Christian name first with no comma. For example Jonathan Davies not Davies Jonathan.  Also please make sure your names are spelt consistently as SailRacer cannot group different names – i.e. Jonny Davies, Jonathan Davie and Jon Davies would all be deemed different names. So our advice is when entering regatta data to use regular capitalization on names and be consistent. If you are unsure, look for the name on SailRacer and follow what you see there. The RYA use SailRacer as a tool to view a sailors results, for example when selecting squads etc. So it's important that anyone doing this finds all the results for a sailor under one name and gets the correct picture, it is in the interests of all competitors to get this right.

If your event was an MCA National or Area Championship, please let Trophy Secretary Matt Grayson know what MCA Tropies were presented so we can keep track of them.

Contact Us
All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.