MCA website logo 2017 4

The first National Junior Squad Weekend brought eighteen eager sailors, and nine fully rigged boats; and of course 60-knot gusts of wind to Portland Bay. With a dismal looking forecast, the hopes for sailing were optimistically high but unfortunately short-lived. On Saturday morning, parents and sailors alike were in a hurry to rig boats, Peter launched his rib, and some sailors even started getting changed. It was around 10 o’clock then, when Peter and Matt McGovern slowly began to realise that if the sails were to go up, Mirrors would soon be flying everywhere. Before too many boats flew off their trailers, we all put our Mirrors in the huge red hangar in the WPNSA and Peter and Matt wildly began to plan an indoor-based Saturday. Although it was a big shame not to get on the water, we were all able to get to know each other a bit better and the coaches were able to explain the up and coming winter training. With the help of brief breaks every so often, I think it’s fair to say we had a productive day, and it’s also fair to say that Helena had a nice enough birthday in the process! We finished the day’s training off with a short burst of fitness.

On the Sunday, there was so much wind and rain that running from the car to the door of the WPNSA left me soaked through. Unfortunately I had the whole day to dry off, as there was regrettably no sailing again. We did a bit more theory then we made all our boats crazy-fast, taking a record 3 hours to de-rig. Ending with a squad photo session, we finished with 3 cheers for Peter, as it was his last training with us :( , at about 12. Although the weekend lacked any sailing, it was extremely useful and informative … and also very fun!

Report by Madeleine Anderson

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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.