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I understand Mark Rushall remembers a GRP Mirror from the time he was sailing with his sister Ruth, so that would be around 1975 (Mark & Ruth were National Champions in 1975), 1976.....  Sail numbers from that era were 48000 and upwards.

We know that West Eleven Mark 1 dinghies (which was a look-alike) were in production during the 1970s

I have a photo of a GRP Mirror which was found with a mainsail number 62846. Assuming that this is the correct sail number for the hull (and this is a bit of an assumption), this would date the boat as 1979. From the photos it looks like a Holt GRP (the lip on the edge of the side deck is characteristic of Holt Mirrors, and the floor battens look similar to those on 67936 - Pointless . So it's possible Holt were moulding Mirrors much earlier than 1986 when Bell Woodworking started selling them.

If you have an information about GRP Mirrors from the 1970s, I would be obliged if you could contact me so I can update this article.

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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.