MCA website logo 2017 4

To login to the website you need your account details which will be e-mailed to you when you become a member of the UK Mirror Class Association.

You then go to any page (this one will do) and look on the left hand side under the menu. You will see a box with "Username" above it. You type your Username into this box. Usernames on this website take the form "firstname.surname", everything is lower case, there are no spaces and the dot between the names is important. Then you type your password into the box with "Password" above it. Be careful to type the password correctly. If you know how to use the paste buffer, better still, select the password in the e-mail, copy it into the paste buffer with CTRL/C and then paste it into the "Password" box with CTRL/V.

It's a good idea to click in the "Remember Me" box, so a tick appears. This means if you navigate away from the Mirror website, when you come back, you will still be logged in. Then press the "Login" button. The page will update, the "Username" and "Password" boxes will disappear and be replaced by a message "Hi Firstname Secondname,". The "login" button will be replaced by a "Log out" button. You are now logged into the website. At this point your browser may ask you if you want it to remember your Mirror website Username and Password for you. Other parts of the site should operate as before. When you go to the Forums, you will find you can now post replies to topics or start new ones.

When you have finished using the Mirror website, it is a good idea to logout by pressing the "Log out" button which is on every page on the left hand side under the menu.

Contact Us
All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.