MCA website logo 2017 4

A fruit cake decorated with blue icing and the race traiing exercise

The final South West Squad day was held at Restronguet SC on Saturday 24th March. It was very sunny, but rather too windy.

We started off with the intention of practicing spinnaker reaching, followed by tacking upwind on the whistle. But when we tried, most crews were barely in control without spinnakers, let alone with. Sailing upwind also proved challanging, I capsized sailing upwind with only the jib sheeted in. After tea, symphathy and cake, we spent a session looking at the problems we were having, techniques for sailing in heavy winds, hiking positions and toestrap lengths.

After lunch, and some adjustment of toestraps, we set out again. Esme and Rebecca got their spinnaker up, but capsized dreekly. They got the boat up, but with the spinnaker still flying, in the end the Coach boat have to intervene bringing the session to a premature end.

It's been a good learning exercise for my new crew, great fun and good to get to know some of the Mirror sailors at other SW clubs. I might even start raking my mast back when it gets really windy. Shame Karen Bowdler from Looe missed the cake !

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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.