MCA website logo 2017 4

A green Mirror dinghy sailing to windward

You can tell the approximate age of a boat by the sail number using the table below. The sail number will be engraved onto the inside face of the rear transom on wooden boats, or found on a blue and white IYRU/ISAF/World Sailing plaque which should also be on the inside face of the rear transom, or on the aft bulkhead. There are a few caveats to bear in mind.

  • Data from 1963 to 2000 is from Bell Woodworking or Widebeam and many of these boats were kits, so this is the year the kit was manufactured. It's always possible that the kit was stored, maybe for years, before being built.
  • Since 1990, IYRU/ISAF/World Sailing have issued sail numbers via the plaque. Licenced Builders can buy plaques (and thus sail numbers) in batches. If a builder buys a batch, but does not use them all immediately, another builder can be issued with the next available plaque (and thus sail number) and build a boat before the boat(s) with the preceeding sail numbers have been built. Where I have IYRU/ISAF/World Sailing plaque numbers for a year, I've put them in the comment field
  • From 2001 to 2015 the data is mainly from Measurement certificates issued in the UK. As not every boat gets measured, and some are built overseas, it's possible the figures for a year might be slightly out, but it won't be by much.
  • From 2016 onwards the data is from Winder Boats. As they are not the only Licenced Builder/Kit Manufacturer, it's possible the figures for a year might be slightly out, but again, it won't be by much.
YearFrom BoatTo BoatComment
1963 1 869 Mk 2 interior introduced (exact number of the change is unknown, but 810 is a Mk 1, 813 is, I think, a Mk 2 (?))
1964 870 3058 Boats built prior to 1965 are considered "Classic"
1965 3059 4577  
1966 4578 7489  Spinnakers were introduced
1967 7490 11060  
1968 11061 15467  
1969 15468 21015  
1970 21016 25633  
1971 25634 31788  
1972 31789 37840  
1973 37841 42935  
1974 42936 48011  
1975 48012 51276  
1976 51277 55470  
1977 55471 58752  
1978 58753 60973  
1979 60974 63409  
1980 63410 65050  
1981 65051 65992  
1982 65993 66600  
1983 66601 67000  
1984 67001 67606  
1985 67607 68075  
1986 68076 68250 Holt and Bell/Ferranti all GRP hulls introduced
1987 68251 68500  
1988 68501 68785  
1989 68786 69020  
1990 69021 69180 Mirrors become an International Class with rules administered by the IYRU (renamed ISAF, now World Sailing). Boat 69070 and onwards must carry blue and white IYRU/ISAF/World Sailing plaques.
1991 69181 69310  
1992 69311 69454  
1993 69455 69580  
1994 69581 69706  
1995 69707 69756  
1996 69757 69830  
1997 69831 69915  
1998 69916 69962 Bell Woodworking Ltd. ceased trading.
1999 69963 70031 Widebeam Ltd took over production of Mirror kits. End of sail number data from Bell/Widebeam
2000 70032 70101  
2001 70102 70130 Widebeam Ltd ceased trading. Trident-UK obtained licence to manufacture kits & boats.
2002 70131 70215 Trident-UK start building GRP (FRP) hull with Mk 2 interior
2003 70216 70273  
2004 70274 70351  
2005 70352 70425  
2006 70426 70465 Bermuda rig introduced
2007 70466 70505

Winder Boats start building all GRP (FRP) hull with Mk 3 interior , prototype thought to be 70493

2008 70506 70555  
2009 70556 70617  
2010 70618 70675  
2011 70676 70711  
2012 70712 70748  
2013 70749 70799  
2014 70800 70839  
2015 70840 70871  
2016 70872 70899  World Sailing sold plaques 70882-70912
2017 70900 70927  World Sailing sold plaques 70913-70935
2018 70928 70958  World Sailing sold plaques 70936-70958
2019 70959 70972  
2020 70973 71000  
2021 71001 71013  
2022 71014    
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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.