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National Youth Development Squad logo

The National Youth Development Squad (NYDS) was first formed winter 2012-2013 replacing the RYA Zone Squads of the past, but doing more besides. Following the success of last winter, it will run again during the winter 2017-2018.

This is one National squad with 6 training weekends at central locations (i.e. in the midlands).

  • Available to all Mirror sailors male or female who are aged 8 to 18.
  • Up to 24 young sailors can benefit from top level coaching (maximum 12 boats).
  • In-depth training programme designed by top level RYA coaches.
  • Great evening social programme for juniors and adults alike.
  • Possibly the best squad jackets and kit ever.
  • If you would like to go faster, make loads of friends and have a great winter come and join us.

All potential sailors need to attend

The National Youth Development Squad is a first step on the RYA pathway which leads from club sailing to the Olympic Sailing team. Normally sailors would spend one, two, or more winters in the NYDS before older children progress directly into RYA Youth Squads in 420, 29er or Laser Radials. Advice will be given about how this could be achieved. To get involved in the National Youth Development Squad you need to:·

  • Team up with a helm or crew and get some time on the water before attending selection events. Make sure you both meet the age critera. There is a bit of wiggle room if you have, for example, a very young crew. Too old is no good - you can't sail in the NYDS with your mum or dad!
  • Have suitable gear for training in winter. ( It’s as warm as sailing in summer as long as you have the right gear)·
  • Be a competent club racer, ready to learn and take a big step up in performance.
  • Have parents willing to commit to travelling to central locations (i.e. in the midlands) on 6 weekends during the winter.
  • Make sure you are both members of the UK Mirror Class Association, see details on our membership page.
  • Enter the qualifiers

The National Youth Development Squad Selection Policy was published in April 2013 and updated in June 2013.

Application for the National Youth Development Squad should be made to Alex Simpson

Contact Us
All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.