MCA website logo 2017 4

A fleet of mirrors arrived at Beaver on Saturday morning, to be greeted with a south-westerly breeze. Race one got underway with Scott & Adam Bromley taking a port flyer off the start line and making it first round the windward mark.

 They held their lead until the last lap when they took the wrong shift and allowed Sarah Richards & Alexander Baird to overtake. After a number of place changes Emma Grayson sailing single-handed came in third, and Rachel Grayson & George Richards fourth.

Everybody enjoyed Farmer Copley’s pies for lunch. After lunch and a heavy rainstorm the wind had shifted so a new course was set. The race started and unfortunately the wind shifted back to the original direction making the course become a series of fetches. Sarah and Alexander led most of the race but were taken by Reg & George on the spinnaker run and they went on to win the race.

Everybody came ashore for a drink and snack, the course was changed back to the morning’s course and the fleet then waited for another heavy rain storm to pass before they went out sailing. Race three was led and won by Sarah and Alexander, unfortunately halfway through the race another heavy rainstorm came through and shifted the wind by 90° making the majority of the course now fetches. Emma finished second and Scott & Adam third. Once again Beaver SC had a brilliant prize table with enough prizes for everybody, thank you to Beaver SC for hosting the event.

1st Sarah Richards & Alexander Baird

2nd Rachel Grayson & George Richards

3rd Emma Grayson

4th Scott & Adam Bromley

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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.