MCA website logo 2017 4

Last weekend was great fun for all of the National Youth Development Squad even if we were a bit unlucky with the wind again!

Saturday we didn’t sail due to the lack of wind unfortunately, however we did have a lot of fun and learn a lot of valuable things. We decided after the briefing that fitness would take place on the Saturday to give us more time on the water on Sunday. We did some little jogging exercises back and forth on the car park doing high knees and heel kicks etc. This was followed by a jog around about half of the lake to a house and back. After that we did press ups and a sort of wrestling where you had to pull their arms from underneath them.

We talked about all of the main points of spinnaker work and worked in teams and as a group to come up with all of the main points and pick the most important. After this we played the string game to demonstrate important tactical things and to learn about banging corners etc. this was won by Gabe. We also did a fun hiking competition.

Sunday the wind picked up and we had some good time on the water. We did follow my leader into gybing on the whistle. We then went into the exercise where we went down wind with the spinnaker up then gybed at the same time and gybed when we came close to evaluate the level of our gybes with spinnakers up. After a lovely lunch we did three races. Eddie and Jamie R came 1st; Chloe and Izzy came 2nd on equal points however Eddie and Jamie R had one more 1st. In 3rd place were Reg and George

Thank you to Dave, Sarah and Eddie for everything, thanks to everyone who helped with food, it was lovely, and everybody else for the help.

Report by Izzy Leroux.

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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.