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You couldn’t beat the drama on the last lap of the final race in round four of the Mirror Northern Traveller series on Bassenthwaite Lake.

There were four boats in the lead group constantly swapping places.  But then Robin Dawson (Bass SC) capsized.  This left three boats vying for the lead each of which would win the two-races-to-count series if they were first over the line.

But, John Telford (RYA) with young son Alfie crewing hit a mark and had to re-round leaving Dave and Ed Coady (Derwent Reservoir) leading on the final downwind leg.  What did they do but drop the spinnaker under the boat, letting Andy Smith (Bass SC) through to take a second race win and take the Series!

The day had started well with ten boats taking to the water in a light north westerly wind.  There were seven visiting boats representing DRSC, Royal Windermere YC, RYA, Annandale SC, West Kirby YC and Dee SC.  Most of these had a father helming with young son or daughter as crew and the same applied to the three boats from the host club. The exceptions were brothers Jamie and Steven Wilson (RWYC), Robert Richardson / Micky McVey (RWYC) and Annandale’s John Hugo who was sailing single handed.

The first race, taken by Telford from Coady, was a short one to allow all to come ashore for a panini lunch.  The second and third were sailed back to back using the same course as for the Club racing with their start sequence commencing after the other fleets had departed.

Race two was won by Andy Smith with his young daughter Lily crewing from Telford and Coady but a delay followed to allow the Club Fleets to finish and regroup.

By this time the weather had turned colder and windier.  Four boats decided not to contest the final race and Richardson / McVey were forced out by the spinnaker uphaul jamming cleat coming loose.  With the Race Officer’s permission both Andy Smith and Robin Dawson left their young daughters ashore which, given the latter’s capsize, was definitely a wise move.

So, it was a good and enjoyable round and there are a few new names to add to the list of Mirror Northern Traveller entrants.

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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.