MCA website logo 2017 4

1976 - Holland  First Roy & Graeme Partridge (GBR) 60015 - Funderbird
Second Chris & Gary Owen (GBR) 42919 Porpoise
1979 - Australia First Dave Derby (MLT) 60019 The Gaffer
  Second K. Sclater (AUS) 57839 Erewan
1983 - Wales First Dave Sherwin (GBR) 64203 Freckles
  Second Dave Derby (GBR) 66066 True Brit
1987 - Ireland First Peter Eldrid (AUS) 67841 Intrepid
  Second Dave Graney (AUS) 67749 Sky 3
1991 - Holland First Tom King (AUS) 68968  
  Second T. Fitzsimmons (AUS) 69201  
1995 - Wales First Clive Goodwin & Toby Heppell (GBR) 69664 Surreal
  Second Mel Collins & Stephen Hyde (IRL) 69030 Mach 1
1997 - Canada First Chris Balding & Nikki Harper (GBR) 69659 Renaissance
  Second Ross Killian & D. McCann (IRL) 69560 Flashpoint II
1999 - South Africa First Marty Maloney & R Minihane (IRL) 69831 Surreal 11
  Second Mark Padgett & John Revelin (AUS) 69361 Xcell-Erate
2001- Ireland First Peter Bayly & William Atkinson (IRL) 70031  
  Second Torvar Mirsky & Justin Jacob (AUS)   (All GRP boat)
2003 - Tasmania First Chris Clayton & Craig Martin (IRL) 69955 Gee-Czar
  Second Bobby Collins & F Hughes (IRL) 70021 Tantilizer
2005 - Sweden First Ross Kearney & Adam McCullough (IRL) 69955 Gee-Czar
  Second Simon McGrotty & Melissa Daly (IRL) 69917 - Balls of Fire
2007 - South Africa First Anna Mackenzie & Holly Scott (GBR) 70457 Simply Gorgeous
  Second Nick Davis & John Collova (AUS) 70459 Vigilante 9
2009 - Wales First Andy & Tom Smith (GBR) 70513 Gill Race Team
  Second Christopher & Jessica Rust (GBR) 70537 Complete and Utter Chaos
2011 - Australia First Ross Kearney & Max O’Dell (IRL) 70624 - Tryanasauross Max
  Second Rigdgely Baladeres & Rommel Chavez (PHI) 70596 Charter boat
2013 - Ireland First Ryan & Michaela Robinson (RSA) 70411 Mirrorjuana
  Second Sarah & George Richards (GBR) 70618 Tinytanic
2015 - South Africa First Michaela & Ryan Robinson (RSA) 70411 Mirrorjuana
  Second Simon & Tyson Barwood (AUS) 70599  Bulletproof
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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.