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Mirror dinghies sailing on a very windy lake in winter

On the weekend of the 8th/9th February the National Youth Development Squad (NYDS) North battled the storms of Beaver Sailing Club, on a lake near Doncaster.

The first day, was Supremely stormy, with strong winds, gusting up to 40mph. This weather meant that it was survival sailing!

We had to hike out hard whilst planing along the lake, up and down. Initially, only four or five boats ventured out. Nearly all, if not all, capsized and some even had to be rescued. Fortunately there was no damage to the boats, crew or helms!

The second day was a little less windy, therefore we were able to sail, but there were still some capsizes. We were still able to race with two races in the morning and two races in the afternoon. Unfortunately, we had a broken dagger board and rudder on one boat! But apart from that we had mastered the storms!!!!! It was a great, if not tiring, weekend for all the sailors.

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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.