MCA website logo 2017 4

Thanks to Di Stephens & Martin Kernow for taking and allowing us to use these photos

9 mirrors arrived at Penzance Sailing Club for the first of the Gul South West Travellers Series to 10-15 knots of breeze with 6 visitors and 3 Penzance boats.

In race one after a clean start Scarlett Shepherd and Harvey Martin were first to the windward mark with Tom Cosier and Esme Shepherd second and Esther Bowdler and Scarlett Crago third.

Becca and Ruby Stephens managed to play the right shifts up the third beat and move up into first with Esther second and Tom third by the end of the race.

In race 2 the wind dropped of a little and Scarlett and Harvey were first around the windward mark and maintained their lead throughout and won the race. Esther and Scarlett in Second again and Tom and Esme in third.

In the last race all was to play for with 3 races to count and 4 boats with the chance of winning. The wind picked up again making the sailors have to work harder to gain the edge and after 2 races some of us were getting tired! Tom and Esme were first to the first mark with Colin and Polly Stephens in second and Scarlett and Harvey in third. By the finish Tom and Esme stayed ahead with Becca and Ruby moving up into second and Colin and Polly third as unfortunately they had some spinnaker difficulties at the gybe mark.

Here is some start line action - Lasers first.

Results - 3 races, 3 to count

Place Helm & Crew Boat Club R1 R2 R3 Total
1 Becca & Ruby Stephens 70564 - Gone With The Wind II Penzance SC 1 4 2 7
2 Tom Cosier & Esme Shepherd 70190 - Va Va Voom Restronguet SC 3 3 1 7
3 Scarlett Shepherd & Harvey Martin 70716 - The Bootle Bumtrinket Restronguet SC 4 1 4 9
4 Esther Bowdler & Scarlett
70537 - Complete & Utter Chaos Looe SC 2 2 5 9
5 Colin & Polly Stephens 70427 - Cool Running Penzance SC 5 6 3 14
6 Martin Egan & Freddy Martin 69667 - Bold Forester Restronguet SC 7 5 8 20
7 Oliver & Archie Hawkins 70810 - Yolo Looe SC 6 7 7 20
8 Eric Taylor & Jodi Stephens 70526 - Ambrose II Penzance SC 8 8 6 22
9 Stan & Lisa Pritchard 70635 - R U Up 4 It 2 ? Mount's Bay SC 9 9 9 27

Thanks to Di Stephens & Martin Kernow for taking and allowing us to use these photos

The overall results were very close with the top 2 positions and third and fourth both being decided on countback. Becca and Ruby finished first with Tom and Esme second, Scarlett and Harvey third and Esther and Scarlett fourth. The merit prize was awarded to Ollie and Archie Hawkins who handled the conditions well and it was observed by the race officer that they had the best start by far in race 3!

Thank you to all the volunteers at Penzance and to Gul for sponsoring the series. Hope to see you all at Restronguet on the 8th for the second traveller.

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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.