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Shustoke Sailing Club hosted the Mirror Inlands on the weekend of 30th September to 1st October. Conditions were favourable all weekend with building winds through-out.

Race 1 saw juniors Sandy and Douglas Simpson lead the way with hot favourites Chris and Daisy Fuller having to make a massive recovery. Sandy and Douglas held their own whilst the Fullers managed to squeeze in a last minute second place ahead of local single hander Malcom Coombes right on the line.

Race 2 was dominated by Chris and Daisy, who after a brief struggle opened up a substantial led. Second was Malcom Coombes finishing just clear of the Sandy and Douglas.

Race 3 saw the wind gradually drop as the evening drew close. To prove it wasn't a fluke Chris and Daisy took and held the lead to the finish. Behind them there was a real mix of results with single handed Shustoke sailor Fred Gilbert coming in second, just ahead of fellow club member Brian Nicholson.

Sunday started with the forecast of increasing wind which gradually built during the day. Race 4 saw Chris and Daisy take the lead again from the Simpson brothers. Malcom Coombes managed to head off the challenge from Fred Briscoe to end in third.

Race 5 and 6 saw Chris and Daisy take both races to eliminate any doubt that they were to be crowned 2017 P&B Mirror Inland Champions.

Junior Champions were Sandy and Douglas Simpson. Single Handed Champion was Malcom Coombes.

Thanks to the OOD, rescue crew, galley staff, and all the volunteers at Shustoke for making it a successful weekend!

Overall Results:

Pos Boat Helm Crew Club R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Pts
1st 70915 - Ripples Chris Fuller Daisy Fuller Jnr Hayling Island (2) (1) 1 1 1 1 4
2nd 70806 - Mischief Sandy Simpson Jnr Douglas Simpson Jnr Bassenthwaite 1 (3) (9) 2 2 2 7
3rd 70014 - Ready Salted Malcolm Coombs Single Handed Shustoke 3 2 (7) 3 3 (DNC) 11
4th 70514 Lindsay Haig Single Handed Shustoke 6 (9) 5 6 (7) 3 20
5th 70513 Ron Vass Single Handed Reading (11) (10) 8 5 5 4 22
6th 70737 Tony Mason Single Handed Shustoke 8 4 (DNF) 7 4 (DNC) 23
7th 69035 - Flashpoint Stuart Sutcliffe Single Handed Shustoke 7 6 4 8 (DNC) (DNC) 25
8th 70572 Fred Briscoe Single Handed Shustoke 4 5 (DNF) 4 (DNC) DNC 28
9th 70531 Fred Gilbert Single Handed Shustoke 5 7 2 (DNC) (DNC) DNC 29
10th 69591 Harry Marlow Jnr George Marlow Jnr Shustoke (10) 8 10 (11) 6 6 30
11th 70025 Brian Nicholson Single Handed Shustoke 9 11 3 9 (DNC) (DNC) 32
12th 19098 Jon Smith Theo Smith 9 Barnt Green (DNC) (DNC) DNC 12 8 5 40
13th 70471 Denis Ward Single Handed Shustoke 13 13 6 10 (DNC) (DNC) 42
14th 70532 David Moore Single Handed Shustoke 12 12 (DNC) 13 (DNC) 7 44


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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.