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An engraved glass plate

The Jan Grieg-Gran Plate For Bronze Fleet is awarded to the Winners of the Bronze Fleet at the National Championships.

Here are some photographs of past winners


Year Held by Note
2022 Richard & Sophie Trevithick  
2021 Richard & Sophie Trevithick  
2019 Josh Du Valle & Leo Burnet  
2018 Oscar Shilling & Patrick Beukenholdt  
2017 Barrie & Oscar Phypers  
2016 Hattie & Malcolm Glaister  
2015 Joe Jackman & Jack Sargent (? should have gone to Archie Grant & Maddie Hantrais) Awarded in place of the Jan Grieg-Gran Plate for Silver fleet which is missing.
2014 Rachel Grayson & Gemma Francis Burnett Awarded in place of the Jan Grieg-Gran Plate for Silver fleet which is missing.
2013 Rachel Grayson & George Stainforth Amanda Heath arranged for the Marsh family to give it to Sean Taylor in 2013 so that he could bring it to the Mirror Nationals in Pembrokeshire. I guess the Silver fleet plate was not returned (i.e., the 2013 list is wrong), so it was used for Silver fleet winners. It should have been awarded to Tom & Tracey Smith
2012 Charlie Marsh & Henry Heath According to the 2012 list.
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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.