MCA website logo 2017 4

A blue Mirror dinghy sailed by father & son

What a fantastic event, two Mirror championships back-to-back, 51 entries in each event, 6 countries sailing in the Worlds & all happening on the beautiful sailing waters of the Carrick Roads, near Falmouth, with some typically varied Cornish weather and lots of wind. Competitors ages ranged from 6  to 78, 75% of the competitors were children, and the top 3 boats in each event was sailed by a parent & offspring with the youngster crewing, showing once again what a great little boat the Mirror is for introducing children into sailing and racing.

A blue Mirror dinghy hoisting spinnaker at a mark

In the Nationals was Dave & Imogen Wade from Northampton SC, winning by one point from 'Platypus' sailed by Simon & Tyson Barwood from Royal Freshwater Bay YC, with the latter taking 3 bullets on the final day. At that point it looked like the Worlds would be a close battle between these two. 'Swift', sailed by Richard & George Bullock from Itchenor SC was third. Top junior boat was 'Hype' sailed by Archie Hawkins & Jack Stevens from Looe SC. Lots of great performances were evident but a special mention is worthy for Shiloh Woodroffe-Vass of Reading SC. Sailing in his first championship with grandad Ron Vass, the oldest sailor in the Nationals, he competed in all races at the age of 7 years old to win the Super Crew cup.

Fleet of Mirror dinghies racing under spinnaker

Keeping their power dry were Cullen & Rowan Hughes from Balmoral SC, who chose not to sail 'Wave Rider Too' in the Nationals.  When it came to the Worlds they were just so consistent, and going into the last day were discarding a 4th & a 2nd. Second was Dave & Imogen with Simon & Tyson third. Top youth boat was 'The Bootle Bumtrinket' sailed by Scarlett Shepherd & Imogen Bellfield. It was great to see the South African team sailing their Cheveron Yachts CC GRP Mk 3 Mirrors and the young township sailors from Izivungu, Howard Leoto & Shane White, were placed 8th overall. Top junior boat once again was Archie &  Jack. It was also a pleasure to have 'Rumble Fish' sailed by Alle & Anna Roodbergen representing the Nederlands put in some great performances to finish 11th. The robustness of the boat and rig was proven with remarkabley few breakages in some very heavy weather and a lot of capsizes for some.

Two girls racing a Mirror dinghy while waving to the cameraman who is swimming at a mark

So many people to thank. The competitors from Australia, South Africa, Japan, Nederlands, Ireland & the UK for travelling, so many RSC members have commented on how friendly the class is. Winder Boats for building three charter boats (patrioticlly coloured red, white and blue) for the Australia team. The UK Class Association for making their four demonstration boats available to overseas sailors. Members from Restronguet SC who helped with the manning and moved their boats from the dinghy park to make space for the Mirrors, the Race Committee headed by IRO Jeff Martin & Neil Andrew from RCYC, Lisa & her team in the Galley, generous sponsorship from Gul & the other event sponsors, the IJ headed by  Charlotte Greppe from Sweden, and the Organising Committee headed by Guy English & John Calvert. It's an event that will live long in the memory of those who were lucky enough to be there.

A GRP Mirror dinghy crossing the finishing line under spinnaker

 Now, with the dust starting to settle, and only 18 months to go, it's time to start looking forward to the 2019 Mirror Worlds to be held at Woollahra SC, in Sydney harbour after Christmas 2018.

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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.