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Photos by Peter Robinson - click to expand

The 2010 Scottish Mirror Championships were hosted by Newburgh SC during 10th and 11th July, and held on a tidal stretch of the River Tay, Perthshire. Visitors came from Helensburgh, Ilkley in West Yorkshire and Annandale SC.

After a welcome from Commodore John Cameron, the Race Officer Jim Allan briefed the competitors on the vagaries of sailing among mud-banks and reed beds on a river estuary which has strong tides and more freshwater flow than any other in Britain.

The first race was sailed in a Force 3 breeze and saw local helm John Cameron lead for the first 3 legs, only to be overhauled by Matt and Benn Lulham-Robinson from Ilkley, and Mike and Caroline Heath from Helensburgh. Then the young boys from Ilkley put the foot on the accelerator and sailed away from the rest of the fleet. After a break between races whilst the tide turned, race two was made a little longer and once again Matt and Ben gave a master class on Mirror sailing. At the end of the race the fifth and sixth boats crossed the line within half a second of each other.

Sunday morning saw the wind rise and rise, and whilst the competitors looked on with some trepidation the Race Officer took readings of the wind strength. With the anemometer reading winds in excess of 30 mph in the gusts the decision was made that racing would not be advisable. So the results at the end of day one were the final positions:

1st and Scottish Champions for the second year running, Matt and Ben Lulham-Robinson

2nd and Masters Trophy also for the second year running, Mike and Caroline Heath

3rd and Single-handed Trophy, John Cameron

Team Trophy, Newburgh SC

Full results: 

  Sail# Club R1 R2 Points  
M&B Lulham-Robinson 70534 Ilkley 1 1 2 Overall Champions
M&C Heath                           766 Helensburgh 2 2 4 Masters
J Cameron 3959 Newburgh 3 3 6 Singlehander
J Hugo 69366 Annandale 4 4 8  
E&A Morrison - Newburgh 5 6 11  
M Ramwell 58474 Newburgh DNF 5 12  

Click here to see photos of the event by Peter Lulham-Robinson.

Report by John Cameron, Newburgh SC

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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.