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After six weeks of racing hosted by the award-winning online sailboat racing and training game, SailX, the Mirror class has finished in the Top-10 of the "RYA Volvo Dinghy Show SailX Championships 2012", finishing in 6th place overall in the UK class ranking.

This ranking is out of 69 classes worldwide, with these classes represented by over 600 individuals worldwide - including a member of the German Olympic team, the current Etchells World Champion, the current Congressional Cup holder and several dinghy World Champions. Collectively users have raced for over 70 days solid so a Top-10 class ranking is no mean feat.

The final phase of this competition, the "Live Finals", will take place at the RYA Volvo Dinghy Show on the Volvo Main stage at 15:15 on both Saturday and Sunday of the Show - with racing shown on the big screen and the Top-5 classes presented on stage both days. Following conclusion of the Finals the winning class will be presented with the "RYA Volvo Dinghy Show SailX Championship Trophy" and will get honourable mention in the RYA and SailX press releases following the Show - not to mention bragging rights for the coming year!

For the Mirror Class to have the best chance of winning this event we need Mirror sailors to enter this online competition at and to represent your class in person at the 'Live Finals' at the Dinghy Show by following the instructions once they have entered the regatta. There are no restrictions on the number of entrants a class can have - and more entrants means a better chance of success.

More details of the Mirror Class at the show and the SailX finals here.

About SailX

  • SailX is the largest, most diverse and most active inshore racing & training game in the world
  • On average SailX hosts a 12-person race every 5 minutes, 24hrs a day, every day
  • That's approx. 100,000 races, 1,200,000 individual finishers and 1.5m rules incidents judged by the SailX rules-engine every year (and growing fast)
  • The SailX community is made up of nearly 26,000 users from over 100 countries worldwide
  • On average users spend a total of 10,500 highly-engaged hours (14.5 months) racing each month
  • Click on the following link to learn more about SailX:

Picture of the RYA Volvo Dinghy Show SailX Championship Trophy

Contact Us
All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.