MCA website logo 2017 4


Well what a wonderful weekend we had at the lovely South Staffordshire sailing club. With winds blowing up to 35knots on Saturday the North Zone Squad had a wet day, however everyone coped with the conditions exceptionally. We only managed an hour of sailing before the winds proved too challenging for some and the fleet was blown ashore.

However on the Sunday the wind was ideal. After a breakfast consisting of beans on toast and porridge it was a perfect training day! We spent a full day on the water practicing what we learnt in theory the day before.

On the Saturday evening all families came together at a local pub and tucked into a huge carvery. This gave us kids, as well as the adults, a chance to socialize and get to know each other more.


Also at the clubhouse on the Saturday night there was the ‘Gailey Gallop’, a fancy dress evening accompanied by a band. Some of us went down to the disco to show our faces and some of us got up to dance (the Hardcore-Jack and Eddie). We were made to feel very welcome by a 7ft man in a white suit with platforms (thanks Justin!) and Edward and Jack are still recovering from the attentions of several St Trinian girls!!!

Finally, big thanks to South Staffordshire Sailing club for hosting the first of the North Zone Squad weekends! We look forward to seeing everyone again at Blithfield!



By Emma and Edward Grayson

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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.