MCA website logo 2017 4

The second south zone squad weekend at Itchenor. It was great to meet up with the squadies again.Saturday we started with a briefing and warm up with our coach Aaron. After which we went straight out on the water to practise starting and hovering. Then we came back in for lunch. In the afternoon we practised some reversing and then started mini races, Mali and Issie won the first race, Hugo and Will won the second race and who won the third race was Will and Ben.

On Sunday morning we awoke to a windy day, which was unfortunate as we didn’t mange to get out on the water. Although we did learn lots in the class room! We all had a wonderful time. Looking forward to seeing the fellow squadies again.

Written by Mali Harnett

Purple reign 70549


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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.