MCA website logo 2017 4

As the Fleet gathered on Saturday morning, it was pretty obvious that it was going to be a lively afternoon of sailing. The forecast was for a force 5 with gusts to 30ish mph and by the amount of white horses across the lake as the fleet took to the water it was not far wrong. The R.O. decided to set a triangle course in the northern end of the lake, separating the Mirrors from his other fast handicap fleet for most of the race.

The weather claimed it's first victim prior to the start of the first race but Pam Bath showed some pluck and got herself upright before the start to compete in the first race. Roy Platford and Mik Chappel were not so lucky and succumbed to the wind and were unable to finish. David and Dan Coady of DRSC took the honours. A break for lunch and we were all back on the water, relieved that the wind had dropped a bit, but still weary of some pretty big gusts. Honours for the second race went to Roy Platford of Wigan. From here we retired for the night some to a jovial evening in the bar.

Up bright and early on Sunday for a 1030 start and very aware that the forecast was again correct and the wind had eased off, and as is the way it had eased off to a whisper. This brought out the light airs specialists and the fleet grew to a full strength of 11 boats. The fluky wind led to some interesting racing and lots of position changes but the consistency of Mike Fairlamb of Bass. With three firsts on the day shows it cannot be all down to luck in these conditions.



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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.