MCA website logo 2017 4

Click 'Read More' for the full list of Proposed Committee Members for 2010 - 2011 ...


Jeremy Pudney

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0207  8378228

07715  422233

Ichenor SC

Commodore Chairman

Clive Sedgewick

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01423 548548

  Ripon SC




Vice Commodore  Treasurer

Martin Egan

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01326 315774





Rear Commodore

To organise the National Championships  at

Steve Cosier


01872 862041


 Worlds Coordinator Albany2011

Craig Bond

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  1206 304810    Brightlingsea

Class Secretary

Peter Robinson

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01943 864819


Yeadon, Otley and Hollingworth Lake SCs




Committee Member 1

Membership Secretary

Steve White

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01904 704070

  Ripon SC



Committee Member
Class Development Officer
Squad Administrator

David Woodhead

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01257 265208

07790 876334

Elton SC




Committee Member 3

Area Rep Support

Northern Fleet Bosun

Mark Hide

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01943 468291

  Ripon SC




Committee Member 4

National Coach

Catherine Putt

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   07734176085  




Single Hander Rep

Bob Towler

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01724 338745

  Beaver SC








Tom Lachlan-Cope

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0223 221484

  Cam SC and Hunts SC










North East

Matt Grayson

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01977 792 956

  Beaver SC




North West








South East

Chris Moore

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01732 832730

  Chipstead SC





Alistair Watkins

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01202 696376

07989 989699

Poole Yacht Club

Point or Contact

Sally Pugh


South West

Steve Cosier

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01872 862041





Scotland North

Bruce Leask

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01595 742000

07831 276539

Lerwick Boating Club




Scotland South

Ernie Turpie

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 01461 500367    







Non Committee Volunteers





Events Clothing





London Boat Show Coordinator





Class Historian

Tim Cushion

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01202 692581


Poole Yacht Club


Dinghy Show Coordinator






IMCA Tech Committee






Southern Bosun

Fleet Utilisation Manager

Tom Bruton





Grants Officer





Yearbook Compiler






Trophies Coordinator


Matt Grayson
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     Beaver SC




Website Input/Master

Peter Sedgewick

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   07727040039 Ripon SC
Contact Us
All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.