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A fantastic weekend was had by all at the 2010 Eric Twiname
Championships. The competitors awoke on Saturday to a strong
northerly 18-20 knot wind accompanied by rain.
(13) and Rachel Grayson lay in 2nd and after
retirement in the first race, Adam and Scott Bromley fought the
conditions posting a third and a fourth to claim 3
rd place.

On Saturday night there was the annual ‘human table football’
championships. This was on by the Tartan Army who defeated
the Welsh Dragons in the final. There was also the Bungee Run
which everyone enjoyed and a huge inflatable slide. A barbeque
was fired up and all the competitors were fed, ready for
competition the next day.

This did not stop
the race officials and a decision was made that the entire fleet of
 290 boats and windsurfers would launch and race. The Mirrors
completed three races, two before lunch and one after. The heavy
 conditions proved challenging for some lighter crewed boats and
there were many capsizes and retirements throughout the day but
for the heavier crews the conditions were ideal and Eddie Grayson
 and Matty Foster claimed firsts across the board and finished the
day in pole. Emma

For Sunday the conditions were nearly perfect. The rain had stopped
and the cloud had gone which just left the chilly north-easterly wind
which had dropped slightly since the day before. Everyone wrapped
up warm and the Mirrors went out for three back-to-back races. The
first race was won by Mali Harnett and Isabelle Bruton who sailed
exceptionally from the start and maintained their lead for the whole race.
The latter races were claimed by Eddie and Matty once more who were
closely followed by William Hartley and Ben Webb from the South Zone
and Emma and Reg.

Overall the weekend was a great success. Despite the miserable
weather on Saturday we managed two full days of close, competitive
racing. I would like to say a personal thank you to Dave Woodhead
for being our zone squad coach over the winter and I hope he was
impressed by the quality of racing shown by his squad across the two days.

Thank you

Eddie Grayson 70015


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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.