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This is to announce the RYA’s intentions for the allocation of international travel
 grants for the above event taking place in December2010/January 2011, Albany,


Initially, the RYA received communication that there was little enthusiasm from
Mirror sailors of the appropriate age and ability to attend the Mirror World
Championships in Australia, this is understandable given the significant costs
associated with travelling to the Southern Hemisphere at that time of year, as
well as the costs of transporting boats etc.



However, we now understand that there is a reasonably large team of Mirror
sailors planning to attend the regatta, and a small number of these boats will
be aged under 16. Unfortunately, this information has transpired at such a time
where it is neither practical or desirable to design a bespoke selection series
(as would be the norm) to govern the allocation of grants to this regatta, and
therefore this necessitates identifying existing events or class ranking series’
which will give an indication of potential and identify those teams who best
enable us to fulfil our remit of “...developing sailors of the appropriate age and
ability to win medals for RYA Team GBR at Youth and Olympic level.”


Additionally, as well as satisfying our remit (above) it is important to have some
degree of parity across the classes in relation to the age, ability and potential of
those sailors winning grants and this necessarily means that where fleet sizes
are smaller and therefore there is inherently less competition for places, the number
of grants available will be decrease.


Therefore, bearing in mind the time and other constraints we currently face our
intentions are as follows:


The RYA is considering allocating international travel grants for the Mirror Worlds 2010.
The aim of the Selection Process is principally to identify sailors to receive grants in
order to gain international experience and thereby maximise the effective development
of sailing talent and knowledge for future major International regattas and the Olympic
Games. The secondary aim is to maximise the medal-winning potential of the British
sailing team RYA National Junior Squad sailors competing at the 2010 Mirror World


The primary aim may be best achieved by not nominating a sailor(s) to receive a grant
for this regatta.


Given that the RYA National Junior Squad selection process and subsequent acceptance
of a place and full participation in the National Junior Squad programme is the principle
indicator of both potential and also sailor/parent commitment to develop sailors skills
and aim to progress into the RYA Youth programme, we propose to use the following
criteria to govern the allocation of grants for the regatta:


1.     A maximum of 4 International travel grants of £1200 per boat may be allocated.
This number may vary according to the RYA’s appraisal of the age, and ability of
the competitors taking part in the indicator series.  For the purposes of clarity this
may mean that the RYA issues none, one, two, three or indeed four grants.


2.     The order in which the grants are allocated will be determined by the RYA
National Junior Squad selection committee who will rank the sailors using the
results and their own knowledge and observations of the competitors.


3.     Grants will then be allocated by the RYA who will determine the number of
grants to be issued, and offer them in the order of the rankings to those sailors
who the RYA has received notification of their intention to compete at the
regatta (by the UKMCA).


4.     Those sailors wishing to be considered for a grant must therefore have
registered their intention to compete with the UKMCA, who will then make
this information available to the RYA.


5.     In order to be eligible to receive a grant sailors must:


                      i.        Have registered their intention to compete at
                 the Australia Worlds with the UKMCA, and either:

Have been a member of the RYA Mirror National
                Junior Squad 2009-10, and/or;

Be a member of the RYA Mirror National Junior
                Squad 2010-11.


A member of the RYA National Junior Squad is defined in this context as being
both invited to join the squad and accepting their place, in addition sailors must
commit to attend at least 80% of the RYA Mirror NJS Training sessions.  


                     ii.        For full selection policy and process for the RYA Mirror
                  National Junior Squad sailors/parent should view the policy
                    available on-line and in full at:     


                    iii.        For the purpose of clarity this may in some cases 
                 necessitate attendance at the third and final National
                Junior Squad indicator taking place at Hollingworth this
                weekend (the 18th & 19th September 2010).


                    iv.        There are additional terms and conditions associated
                   with grant acceptances – these will be notified at the
                  time of notification.


Notification will be made subsequent to the RYA Mirror National Junior Squad selections.




Many Thanks for your help.



Duncan Truswell

RYA Youth Racing Manager.

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Tel: 023 8060 4175 (desk)                                   

Mob: 07909 994639



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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.