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Given a certain amount of warmth and affection, very satisfying results can be obtained by using glass fibre for repairs etc. and indeed for new construction. In most cases a fairly rapid set to the resin is desirable to present the glass fibre from springing away from its required shape and position, and to achieve this a reasonably warm environment is necessary (we have found that 21°C (70°F) is about right). Unfortunately the resin in the jar you are
holding in your 'ot sticky ‘and is also liable to be “sent off” fairly rapidly. To avoid suddenly finding yourself grasping a pot of solid matter, which, until a few
minutes ago had been going nicely thank you, try cooling the resin down by moving yesterday’s leftovers and tomorrows Sunday joint out of the fridge and leaving your can of resin in there for a couple of hours. Having added the hardener, try working with your pot of “goo” surrounded with ice cubes. All being well it shouldn’t “go off” below 13°C (55°F), so all the while yu still have ice, you can work at your usual steady pace instead of rushing round your boat like a maniac.

Editor's note - This article is from Reflections No. 11 Autumn 1973, page 4 and has been captured by OCR, so typos & errors are possible.

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