For any of you river or sea sailors who would welcome the opportunity of racing in sheltered waters during the winter months we are open this year for Winter Membership for the first time and we are able to offer you good competition on our lake, which being some 28 acres in all, is not the largest expanse of water in the world, but if you don't learn tactics around the marks here you won't learn them anywhere.
We run our Winter Series usually from November through to February/March and you would be able to enter for this, also the Boxing Day Bottle.
Fee for Winter Membership is £3.00 per boat.
Details can be obtained from: H. Jacobs (Secretary), l0a Garnett Way, Walthamstow, London, E12. Tel: 01-527 0725.
Editors Note: This article is from Reflections No. 26 October 1976, page 18. It has been captured by OCR, so typos & errors are possible.