MCA website logo 2017 4

Artical by Emma and Rachel Grayson

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Emma and Rachel Grayson defend their title as Mirror Northern Champions.
Saturday was off to a good start with medium strength winds and strong gusts
perfect for plaining. With Sarah and George first to the windward mark,
closely followed by Emma and Rachel then Eddie and will. The positions
changed throughout the race not only at the front but there were many tussles
between other competitors. Decisions had to be made throughout such as
whether to fly the spinnaker down the tight reaches for adrenaline filled plaining
which had t be made sooner rather than later. The beats were hard work
because very strong gusts could knock you over at any point, however thankfully
the fleet was under control and advancing through the course at great speed.
In the end Emma and Rachel Grayson crossed the line with a convincing lead with.
The second race saw the same wind conditions with the odd very strong gust
making an appearance. This race was especially one for position changes; we
had people going from first to fourth and fourth to first. The odd lucky gust came
through and therefore people pulled away; however there was no time in the race
where the positions were cemented. Tom Dean and Dominic Daniel had a
spectacular capsize taking three attempts to right it but they didn’t give up and
finished the race. Finally the result came out with Matt and Ben pulling out first.
The day didn’t end there though, we had back to back races, therefore for race
three we were tired out and nevertheless the spirit didn’t drop one bit with a very
competitive start. A lot of shouting was heard as people battled their way up the
first beat fighting for prime position which varied again throughout the race.
The race finished with Emma and Rachel first, Matt and Ben second, Sarah and
George and Eddie and Will came fourth. The last race of the day was spectacular
with some awesome reaches perfect to get plaining. On the last leg of the last race
Rob Dean entertained us all with a lovely capsize to keep the rescue crew on their toes.
That race ended up with Emma and Rachel first, Matt and Ben second and Eddie and
Will third.
The winds got up again on the Sunday therefore only one race was pursued.
Nevertheless a true battle commenced. Crazily high wind speeds made the start very
mad with Sarah and George capsizing before the race. Matt and Ben cruised to the first
mark, yet to raise their spinnaker and speed off. However as they rounded to go onto the
beat Ben hiked out just a bit too far Screams of ‘PROTEST, PROTEST!’ were heard from
behind resulting in a 360 from Matt and Ben. This gave Emma and Rachel the lead as they
clung to the bank up the beat. Further on in the race Matt and Ben dramatically capsized at
the top which let Eddie and Emma slowly pull away, but yet again disaster struck as Eddie
nosedived, filling the boat up with water right in front of the spectators at the clubhouse.
As Rosie and Harriet Watkins were coming in a gust struck them tipping them in and, beaver
is famous for this, they righted it with a muddy sail and walked to boat inn. Classic! But that
wasn’t the end, Tom Dean and Dominic Daniel death rolled and the strength of the wind
cause them to end up on the rocks, but nevertheless the spirits still soared high at the end.
The result in that race were, Emma and Rachel first, Matt and Ben second and Rosie and
Harriet third.
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Well done everyone and I hope to see you ALL at the Nationals!


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Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.