MCA website logo 2017 4

1974 - Draycote Water First M. Jones 9870 Go-Fast Gulliver
1975 - Bassenthwaite First J. Parry 27331  
1976 - Waveney O.B. First S. Clarke 37888 Wotasurpriz
1977 - Chew Valley First D. Cherrill 25850 Cherryripe
  Second Graeme Castle 48779 Hullablue
1978 - Draycote Water First D. Cherill 25850 Cherryripe
  Second Graeme Castle 48779 Hullablue
1979 - Derwent First P. Barlow 13646 Whizper
  Second D. Hancock 39080 Argo
1980 - Oxford First Mark Sherwin 59484 Ginger
  Second M. Morgan 42541 Jal-Ma-Joa
1981 - Northampton First P. Cooper 48780 Rosie
  Second Adrew Parkinson 65033 Matandy 2
1982 - Shustoke First P. Newton 65977 Blackmail
  Second J. Gibbon 48779 Monkey Business VI
1983 - Grafham First M. Collins 59858 Bizzie Lizzie
  Second R. Ridsdell-Smith 53939 Swallow
1984 - Burton First J. Williams 63502 Foxy Lady
  Second M. Hood 65656 - Brother Hood II
1985 - Northampton First N. Jupp 65977 Blackmail
  Second John McKeand 63369 Black Adder
1986 - Shustoke First John McKeand 67084 Fast Forward
  Second C. King 19064 Orion III
1987 - Weston First R. Vincent 67033  
  Second E. Edwards 67813 Electric Blue
1988 - Southport First Mike Preston 67930 Kool Kat
  Second Alistair Ware 65734 Wareabouts
1989 - Thorpe Bay First Jeremy Reed 67508 Dans Dinghy
  Second Aled Bath 68716 Soxophus
1990 - Margam First Aled Bath 68716 Soxophus
  Second C. Blackman 68350 New Dimension
1991 - Waveney First Adam Turk 66766 The Black Adder
  Second H. Chesworth 68780 Blitzkrieg
1992 - Draycote First Lee & Adam Harvey 68899 Animal Instinct
  Second Simon & Kate Gillow 67493 Aquavento
1993 - Chipstead First Adam Turk & James Haig 69130 Tanatus
  Second Kate Gillow & Zuzi White 67210 Welly Machine
1994 - Shustoke First Max Capener & Susan Toman 69440 Madcap 4
  Second Matt McGovern & J. Hewitson 67560  
1995 - Brightlingsea First Philip Goodwin & Toby Heppell 69664 Surreal
  Second Matt & Adam McGovern 67560  
1996 - Bassenthwaite First Jethro & Josh Gebhard 69683 George
  Second A. Moore &  M. Johns 66500 Red Hot
1997 - Hollingworth First Toby Wincer & T.Cottam 69439 B-czar
  Second Toby Heppell & Luke Constable 69671 Elomentary
1998 - Margam First Max Capener & Adam McGovern 69440 Madcap 4
  Second Josh Gebhard & Simon Evans 69815 Sail on the Wild Side
1999 - Sunderland First Josh Gebhard & Simon Evans 69815 Sail on the Wild Side
  Second Adam & Jon McGovern 43514  
2000 - Brightlingsea First Niki & Christian Birrell 69164 Be Realistic
  Second Josh & Judi Gebhard 69815  
2001 - Girton First Peter Gray & Helen Williamson 70101  
  Second Lucy MacGregor & Nerissa Booth 70055 Female of the Species
2002 - Poole First Daniel & James Ellis 70132 We Take Plastic
  Second Ben Crompton & James Budd 69943 - Phourtle
2003 - Plymouth First George Yeoman & Charles Crane 70253 Tideless
  Second Juliet & Richard Long 70222 Whatever!
2004 - Poole First Katie McGregor & Emily Hunter 70201 What a Girl wants
  Second Emma & Martina Barry 69776 Ptheetle
2005 - Hollingworth First Jack Yeoman & Chantal Crane 70370  
  Second David & Jack Moore 67493 Ee-yore
2006 - Hill Head First Liam Arrowsmith & Izzy Fitzgerald 70223 Eat My Shorts
  Second David Moore & Jack Moore 70252 Don't eat yellow snow
2007 - Brightlingsea First Millie Newman & Sarah Bines 69906 Boadicea
  Second Tom & James Lovesey 70154 Passing Wind
2008 - Restronguet First Hugo Sloper and Aiden McCartney 70504  
  Second Charlotte Fitzgerald and Annie Sipthorp 70502 World of its own
2009 - Itchenor First Tom Lovesey & Millie Pugh 70519 - MCA demonstration boat
  Second John & Clare Peterson 70538 - Ace of Spades
2010 - Chipstead First Alex Lloyd and William Hide 70437 - Ptwootle II
  Second Meia and Elin Harnett 70536 - Pure Elegance
2011 - Restronguet First Matthew & Benjamin Lulham-Robinson 70658 Arctic Donkeez the sequel
  Second Katie Davies & Gemma Keers 70520 Fish
2012 - not held        
2013 - Northampton First Midge & Harriet Watkins 70697- Forget Me Knot
Second Jo Kalderon and Imogen Bellfield 70639 - Puffin' Along
2014 - Northampton First Gemma Keers & Imogen Bellfield 70715 - Ship Happens
Second George Richards & Alex Baird 70618 - Tinytanic
2015 - Carsington First Robert Richardson & Sandy Simpson 70806 - Mischief
Second Eleanor Keers & Izzy Pugh 70713 - Peanut
2017 - Shustoke First Sandy & Douglas Simpson 70806 - Mischief
Second Harry & George Marlow 69591
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All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.