The UK Mirror Class Association (MCA) is largely funded by subscriptions from members.
Membership is important:
- Membership means you are eligible to enter for the Nationals, the Nationwide and Travellers events organised by the MCA.
- In order to support your Mirror campaigns the MCA organises Open Training that as a member, you can apply for.
- Membership gives you an opportunity to help keep the Mirrors prominence, which you can put into action by voting on class matters at the AGM.
- An up to date membership means, you will receive an occasional electronic newsletter, keeping you at the forefront of what is happening in the Mirror Class.
- In the UK, the Mirror Dinghy measurement certificates are only valid if the owner is a member of the MCA.
Following the closure of the hosting for SailScore, we are now running our own on-line membership system. There is step by step guide to purchaing membership here.
Membership classes are:
- Family Membership - £40
for a family owning an International Mirror Dinghy, includes children under the age of 19 years.
- Individual Membership - £30
for an individual who is an owner, or joint owner, of an International Mirror Class Dinghy.
- Crew Membership - £20
for an individual who is not an owner, or family member, but wants to crew at Association events
- Associate Membership - £30
for an individual who is not an owner, but is interested in the Mirror Class, for example a Coach.
Subscriptions are due on 1st January and last for one year. Members joining after October 1st, in a year get free membership until 31st December of that year, and then one year's membership.
If you have been a member in the past and require your details to be deleted from our database please let me know.
Thank you.