Section for categories about the UK Mirror Class Assocation.
According to Stewart Bottoms:
Prior to Reflections and Sally Karslake (Wallis) the Secretariat was run from DMPD by Phillip Lenson. Communication was a newsletter.
Editors note: the first issue of reflections was October 1971, so the change from the Daily Mirror Publicity Department, was, (I'm guessing here), agreed on at the 1971 AGM (at the Nationals) and effective from 30th September, which ties in with the current MCA financial year.
Yearbooks for period (Editors note: early 70s) have a disappointing lack of pics and Reflections is little better. However, I came across issue from 1973 and Roy Partridge writing (front page) “a Pom in Aussie land” and a pic.. UK sec ran MCIA at this time so pic (Editors note: of Peter & Rusell Barnes) may come from Aus.
We have a number of roles which urgently need filling from the AGM at Poole in August. In general roles do not require much time, per week, to be spent on them.
Below is a brief description of the role with approximate number of hours per month.
Receive invoices by e-mail, get approval to pay from one other committee member and pay them, normally by BACS using MCA account (online). Send accounts to auditors who prepare them to be submitted to Companies House in June. 1 hour per month max, with more work at year end.
Category for information about who we are, what we do
A Category for articles about our partners.
Prior to 1st September 1971, the Mirror Class Association was run by the Publicity Department of the Daily Mirror Newspaper.