If anyone who attended the Irish National Championships failed to purchase a copy of MIRRORMANIA, please cont act Ian Mitchell at Leamore House, Newcastle, Co. Wicklow.
Editors Note: This article is from Reflections No. 26 October 1976, page 4. It has been captured by OCR, so typos & errors are possible.
Eddie Dunhill of Worthing Y.C. has sold his Mirror dinghy to a junior of his Club for £10, on condition that the junior sells it for £10 to another junior at the end of the year. The current owner is to keep the boat insured.
Editors Note: This cartoon is from Reflections No. 26 October 1976, page 4 & 5.
We make no apologies at all for this edition of the magazine! It has been organised by Sally over a bowl of brandy butter, and put together by Grant Nicholls, Mirror Sailor of Australia, Cohn Jones, Mirror Sailor of Tasmania, Jean Marc Chateau, Moth Sailor from France, Carol Graham, Mirror Sailor in embryo, who is married to a Barbadian, and Mark Darby, who is job-hunting!
An unfortunate back ailment, which led to traction, thrombosis and a strait-jacket (it’s all right, it was only Plaster of Paris, and was not a result of working in this mad-house), has caused Celia Kenward to retire.