As you may be able to see, the template, which largely controls what the site looks like (i.e. the style), has changed. What's less obvious is that the core Content Managmement System (CMS) software has been updated to the current supported version. The content (articles, documents, videos, links, etc.) remains unchanged.
Thanks to a suggestion from Ash Shepherd, and a new feature in our Content Management System software, we have improved the boats for sale system. Instead of boats being listed in price bands, all boats are now displayed in a single list, with additional key data, such as the price, displayed alongside.
As you can see, the template, which largely controls what the site looks like (i.e. the style), has changed. What's less obvious is that the core Content Managmement System (CMS) software has been updated to the latest version. This should, hopefully, mean an end to the "Database error...." messages we have been suffereing from for the last few months. The content (articles, documents, videos, links, etc.) remains unchanged.
Mirror Sailing Scotland (MSS) and the associated website was started in September 2009 by Mike Heath who was frustrated by the transition from the 'Jan Grieg-Gran' website to the much hated 'SailRacer' website in 2009.
As a regional branch of the UK Mirror Class Association (UKMCA), the tasks of Mirror Sailing Scotland were as follows:
• Promote Mirror dinghy sailing in Scotland
• Encourage as many Mirror dinghy owners as possible to use their boats and participate in the Association
• Liaise with club Mirror Class Captains in Scotland
• Encourage Scotland clubs to adopt the Mirror Class
• Overview the deployment of Association Boats in Scotland
• Set up Mirror training at club and Scottish national level
• Organise a Scottish traveller race series
• Setup a Scottish Nationwide Event
• Organise the annual Scottish Championships
• Regularly report activities to MSS Website
• Submit an annual report of activities to the UKMCA Magazine/Yearbook
• Organise an Annual Class Captains Meeting in Scotland
If any of this is of interest to you and you would like to find out more or contribute, please contact
You can also help us by joining the UK Mirror Class Association...
Editors Note: Mike Heath sadly decided to close the MSS website in 2017(?). Before it closed, pretty well all the content was moved to the UK Mirror Class Association site. I would like to thank Mike for his work supporting the Mirror Class over many years and for some very valuable advise when I took over as UK MCA Webmaster.
Sadly the website closed in 2017, but most of the content was moved to this site.
I've have some feedback from users who are finding the "suckerfish" menu system (where menu sub-items automatically appear when you hover a mouse/touch over them) we have been using since 2009 hard to use with a touch device. I've now changed the website to use the standard Joomla! menu system which looks different and means you now have to click on a menu item to see the sub-items underneath it.