Just a reminder that the £125 'Early entry' for the 2023 Mirror Nationals at Brightlingsea is only available until Sunday 30th April, after that the entry fee increases to £175. Online booking is on the Brightlingsea SC website.
The AGM of the Mirror Class Association will take place on Thursday 1st June at 18:00 in a meeting room at Brightlingsea Sailing Club.
Online entry for the Mirror Southern Area Chamsionships on 29th April at Itchenor SC is now open.
the online entry system to the Worlds in Sligo is now live on 2023worlds.mirrorsailing.org/entry/
Entry for the 2023 Mirror World Championships is accessed through the manage2sail portal.
I understand some boats are racing with forestay systems similar to the photo above where the forestay leads to a purchase with a cleat near the mast foot. This system was ruled illegal by ISAF in 2010, but prior to that it was fitted to some boats (mainly Winders). If you have such a system, please change it to comply with the class rules.
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