Please could anybody who is intending to take part in the 2011 Mirror Nationals, to be hosted by Restronguet SC, help us out by completing the form found behind the 'let us know if your coming' button on the Restronguet SC homepage
This is not a formal entry form, and is in no way binding, but will allow us to get some idea of how many crews and their families we will need to cater for. It will also give us the ability to relay event updates directly to potential entrants, eg when NOR is posted or when to start entering the event etc.
Don't forget an accommodation list is available on the Club website (homepage > location) and also on a separate post of 29/10/10 on the Events forum.
If anybody has any questions, or needs help in finding / confirming accommodation for the event, please contact me by e-mail
Steve Wilkinson