MCA website logo 2017 4

Racing on Day 3 of the Gul Mirror Nationals took place in a south westerly force 4-5 which backed to the south and got stronger as the day progressed, rain, and a forecast of worse to come later in the afternoon. Once again there were plenty of capsizes and gear failures to keep the patrol boats busy.

After a long postponement, Race 8 got away at the third attempt under a 'U' flag on yet another Windward-Leeward course (yawn). This time it was Stan & Penny Bland from Woollahra Sailing Club who took line honours ahead of Dave & Imogen Wade from Northampton with Simon & Tyson Barwood from Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club third.

By the time Race 9 started, the wind had started to back, starting to bring some of the swell in Falmouth Bay up the Carrick Roads and onto the race course. Finally the fleet got to do a triange-sausage course and with the wind gusting and swell building, the reaches were very exciting.  The conditions suited Simon & Tyson who won ahead of Dave & Imogen with Howard Leoto & Shane White from Izivungu, a Township charity near Cape Town, which promotes sailing & music, in third place. These young South Africian sailors sadly missed the first two days of the championships due to passport &  visa issues.

Race 10 got away at the second attempt under a 'U' flag. By this time the swell and wind had built further making the reaches even more exciting and the gybe mark saw more than it's fair share of capsizes. Once again it was Simon & Tyson who took line honours ahead of Dave & Imogen with Richard & Tom Sender from Tonbridge Town Sailing Club in third.

So Dave & Imogen won the National Championship with 12 points, only one point behind was Simon & Tyson with Richard & George Bullock from Itchenor Sailing Club third with a very consistent set of results. Congratulations to all the young Mirror sailors who took part in some very full on conditions and kept going & a special mention to Bella Cockwell & Tamsyn Stacy from Restronguet who only started sailing Mirrors part way through this season and claim to have capsized more than anybody else during the championship. Full results here.


Sailed: 10, Discards: 2, To count: 8, Entries: 50, Scoring system: Appendix A

Rank Tally Boat Nat Helm & Crew Club R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 Total Nett
1st 50 70852 GBR Dave & Imogen Wade Northampton Sailing Club (3) (2) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 17 12
2nd 4 70921- Platypus AUS Simon & Tyson Barwood Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club (14) 1 2 (3) 2 2 1 3 1 1 30 13
3rd 60 70654 - Swift GBR Richard & George Bullock Itchenor Sailing Club 4 6 5 2 4 (8) 3 5 4 (9) 50 33
4th 3 70592 - MCA Demo Boat AUS Stan & Penny Bland Woollahra Sailing Club 1 9 (14) 7 7 6 (25) 1 6 4 80 41
5th 10 70915 - Ripples GBR Chris & Daisy Fuller Hayling Island SC 5 (21) 8 4 3 4 4 8 (9) 5 71 41
6th 55 70688 - Snowdrop GBR David & Tamara Leach Crawley Mariners YC 6 3 7 5 6 (51 RET) 10 11 7 (16) 122 55
7th 69 70603 - Course you can GBR Richard & Tom Sender Tonbridge Town Sailing Club 13 7 (16) 10 14 5 5 4 (25) 3 102 61
8th 22 70811 - Hype GBR Archie Hawkins & Jack Stevens Looe Sailing Club 15 (18) 3 6 5 (19) 9 14 8 15 112 75
9th 8 70595 - Red Winder charter AUS Tara Wilson & Celia May Balmoral Sailing Club 12 13 10 (19) 11 7 (14) 10 5 12 113 80
10th 54 70796 - KitKat GBR Maddie Hantrais& Emilia House Itchenor Sailing Club (23) 5 6 9 8 14 11 9 21 (51 DNC) 157 83
11th 64 70703 - Double Trouble GBR Tom Ewart-Smith & Monty Heath Itchenor Sailing Club (30) 4 (51 OCS) 13 10 9 7 24 12 6 166 85
12th 14 70806 - Mischief GBR Sandy & Douglas Simpson Bassenthwaite SC 11 10 12 12 12 11 13 (18) 13 (19.5) 131.5 94
13th 56 70667 - Instant Custard GBR Dee Fleming & Thomas Kelsall Staunton Harold SC 7 20 15 14 9 15 8 15 (23) (51 RET) 177 103
14th 12 70410 - Emmelbee RSA Paul & Polly Changuion Royal Natal Yacht Club (22) 15 17 8 (22) 16 12 16 10 10 148 104
15th 23 70846 - Soul Surfer RSA Grant Ekermans & Helen Jansen Van Vuuren TSC (29) 14 11 (21) 18 10 15 17 15 11 161 111
16th 59 70520 - Smurf GBR Camilla & Zara Bullock Itchenor Sailing Club 10 12 9 11 17 12 (51 DNC) (36) 20 21 199 112
17th 16 70785 - Vegemite Sandwich AUS Richard & Tessa Rowell Dunsborough Bay Yacht Club (21) 17 (21) 20 19 13 6 13 18 7 155 113
18th 20 70549 - Purple Reign GBR Oscar Phypers & Nuala Sellwood Restronguet Sailing Club 2 8 4 (51 RET) (51 RET) 32 51 DNS 19 14 13 245 143
19th 1 70618 - Tinytaanic GBR Thomas & Daniel Crook Trearddur Bay SC 16 11 13 (51 RET) 21 18 16 26 22 (51 RET) 245 143
20th 17 70840 - MCA Demo Boat 'Teapot' AUS Rosie & Matilda Rowell Dunsborough Bay Yacht Club (26) 16 18 17 15 (29) 19 22 24 18 204 149
21st 13 70625 - Kiss My Rudder GBR Thomas & George McLaren Looe Sailing Club 17 (31) 19 15 13 20 20 23 (37) 23 218 150
22nd 27 70537 - Complete and utter chaos GBR Morgan Steeper & Fleur Bennet Looe Sailing Club 9 19 (25) 23 23 24 21 20 16 (25) 205 155
23rd 66 70447 - Fever GBR Kyle & Freya Brown Restronguet Sailing Club (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 22 27 17 17 6 19 14 275 173
24th 2 70673 - Gone With The Wind III GBR George Lenney & Martin Egan Restronguet Sailing Club 19 (28) (29) 25 20 22 27 27 17 17 231 174
25th 19 70184 - Eat my shorts GBR Thomas Langan & Ruby Porter Looe Sailing Club 18 24 22 16 30 23 22 (34) 26 (51 DNC) 266 181
26th 21 70412 - MCA Demo Boat RSA Kuba Miszewski & William Gordge TSC 20 27 20 28 (51 DSQ) (51 RET) 51 DNC 21 28 19.5 316.5 214.5
27th 18 70209 - Chaos GBR Connor Langan & Daniel Blewett Looe Sailing Club 28 25 28 29 25 26 26 28 (32) (51 DNC) 298 215
28th 26 70287 - Inferno GBR Scarlett & Romilly Crago Looe Sailing Club 24 22 23 (34) 33 30 34 (39) 34 26 299 226
29th 51 70513 GBR Ron Vass & Shiloh Woodroffe-Vass Reading S.C (36) 32 32 26 29 25 28 (35) 30 24 297 226
30th 67 37922 - Small Fry GBR Barrie & Max Phypers Restronguet Sailing Club 27 26 26 24 24 21 30 (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 331 229
31st 58 70791 - Snowy GBR Alice Bullock & Laura Hantrais Itchenor Sailing Club (35) (34) 24 32 28 31 33 25 27 30 299 230
32nd 63 65591 - Deal With It GBR Harrison & Tristan Webb The Poole Yacht Club 32 (36) (34) 33 26 32 RDG 32 RDG 29 33 27 314 244
33rd 9 70714 - Peer Pressure GBR Steven & Joseph Bland The Poole Yacht Club (51 DNF) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 18 34 27 18 40 29 29 348 246
34th 7 70222 - Whatever! GBR Hannah Staff & Bethan Gummow Looe Sailing Club 25 23 27 35 31 (51 DSQ) 29 31 (51 RET) 51 DNC 354 252
35th 11 70743 - Arthur Lambchop AUS Gavin & Oliver Cooke Balmoral Sailing Club (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 30 16 3 23 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 378 276
36th 29 70845 - P&B RSA RSA Marlon Jone & Lebo January Izivungu (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 12 11 8 388 286
37th 30 70844 - Harken - Ullman RSA Howard Leoto & Shane White Izivungu (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 7 3 22 389 287
38th 5 5846 - Bananaskin GBR Zoë & Jack Beckly Restronguet Sailing Club 31 30 31 36 (51 RET) (51 RET) 24 33 51 DNC 51 RET 389 287
39th 52 66787 - Honeychu GBR Julie Vass Reading Sailing Club (51 DNC) 29 30 37 36 28 31 (51 DNC) 51 DNC 51 DNC 395 293
40th 61 15563 - Blyskawica GBR William  & Emma Sellwood Restronguet Sailing Club 34 33 33 (51 RET) 35 33 (51 RET) 51 DNC 51 RET 28 400 298
41st 62 70629 - Moonshadow GBR Isabella Webb & Grace Bland The Poole Yacht Club (51 RET) (51 RET) 51 DNF 40 51 RET 51 DNC 32 38 36 31 432 330
42nd 65 70624 - Vitamin Sea GBR Charles & Edward House Itchenor Sailing Club (51 DNF) 35 35 39 32 (51 RET) 51 DNC 37 51 DNC 51 DNC 433 331
43rd 15 70725 - Greyhound GBR Bella Cockwell & Tamsin Stacey Restronguet Sailing Club 33 37 (51 DNC) 38 (51 DNC) 51 RET 51 DNC 41 31 51 DNC 435 333
44th 24 69957 - Rock It GBR Daniel Seabourne & Charlie Beckly Restrouguet Sailing Club (51 DNF) (51 DNF) 51 DNF 31 51 DNC 51 RET 51 DNC 30 35 51 RET 453 351
45th 6 70695 - Expelliarmus GBR Philip & Felix Goodwin Itchenor Sailing Club 8 (51 RET) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 467 365
46th 53 70390 -Salty Dog GBR Sandy & Lauren Anderson Restronguet Sailing Club (51 RET) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 27 51 RET 51 DNC 51 DNC 32 51 DNC 51 DNC 467 365
47th 57 70905 - Big Dippers GBR Paul & Gabriel Nichols Chew Valley Lake Sailing Club (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 510 408
47th 28 70822 RSA Heinie Wentzel & Mathew Francke Izivungu (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 510 408
47th 68 63392 - Legacy GBR Ben & Wilfred Lloyd-King Restronguet Sailing Club (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 510 408
47th 25 70003 - Encore une Fois GBR Jake Bonsor & Kirsty Mills Warsash Sailing Club (51 DNC) (51 DNC) 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 51 DNC 510 408



Prizegiving photos by Martin Egan & Sally Adams - click to expand

Trophy Winners

Trophy Awarded for Winner
Marlow Rope Trophy Winners Race 1 Stan & Penny Bland (AUS)
Turbo Service International Plate (originally the Cassandra's Cauldron was presented, but has been missing since 2003) Winners Race 2 Simon & Tyson Barwood (AUS)

Jeckells Mirror Trophy

Winners Race 3 Dave & Imogen Wade
Peter Wilson Trophy Winners Race 4 Dave & Imogen Wade
City of Plymouth Trophy Winners Race 5 Dave & Imogen Wade
National Westminster , International Paint Trophy Winners Race 6 Dave & Imogen Wade
Abersoch Trophy Winners Race 7 Simon & Tyson Barwood (AUS)
40th Anniversary Trophy Winners Race 8 Stan & Penny Bland (AUS)
Mylor Yacht Harbour Trophy Winners Race 9 Simon & Tyson Barwood (AUS)
Roger Graffy Trophy Winners Race 10 Simon & Tyson Barwood (AUS)
Proops Pot First Lady Helm Tara Wilson (AUS)
Arthur Vine Trophy Leading Helm & Crew U19 other than overall winners Maddie Hantrais & Emilia House
Arthur Birt Trophy 1st Local U19 Helm (not placed overall) George Lenney
Aberdeen Trophy Highest Placed Scottish Boat Sandy & Douglas Simpson
Gulf Cup Highest Placed Welsh boat Should have been awarded to Thomas & Daniel Crook, but they were given the Welsh Championship trophy for some reason.
Harry Yule Smith Plate Leading Helm & Crew U15 other than overall  winners Archie Hawkins & Jack Stevens
Fleet Shield Best Team of three boats entered from same Club Itchenor SC
Lucas Trophy (which appears to be lost, the Victor Shaw Trophy has been used instead recently) Leading helm over 39 Not awarded
1963 Trophy Leading helm over 49 Simon Barwood (AUS)
Shavian Mug Last on points who completed every race Alice Bullock & Laura Hantrais
Topaz Trophy Leading parent & offspring Dave & Imogen Wade
Silver Jubilee Trophy 25th Boat Overall Thomas Langan & Ruby Porter
Dyno-Rod Cup Best Devon or Cornwall Boat Helm & Crew U18 Archie Hawkins & Jack Stevens
Super Crew Cup Youngest Crew to complete all races

Shiloh Woodroffe-Vass

Ptwootle Trophy 1st Wooden Boat Paul & Polly Changuion (RSA)
Bass Charrington Trophy 1st Singlehander (was previously for the winner of the Single Handed Race) Julie Vass
Jan Grieg-Gran Plate for Bronze fleet Winners Bronze Fleet Barrie & Oscar Phypers
America Cup 3rd Overall Helm & Crew Richard & George Bullock
Pioneer Cup 2nd Overall Helm & Crew Simon & Tyson Barwood (AUS)
HL Twentyman Challange Cup (originally the Crew's Trophy was awarded, but this has been missing since 2008) 1st Overall Crew Imogen Wade
Daily Mirror Trophy 1st Overall Helm Dave Wade

(Trophies in strikethrough text were not returned)

Contact Us
All content belongs to, and copyright © of, the UK Mirror Class Association. Design and Maintenance - Peter Sedgewick, Martin Egan.
Thanks to Jan Grieg-Gran, Rob Grieg-Gran and Scotty Cochrane for their work on a previous website.